
Theatre-Museum Dali


Theatre-Museum Dali
Theatre-Museum Dali - surrealist painter
Salvador Dali Museum , located in the town
of Figueres , in Catalonia (Spain ) .

2. What is Theater-Museum Dali?

The famous theater-museum of Catalan
surrealist Salvador Dali is located in the
town of Figueres, not far from the SpanishFrench border , 140 km from Barcelona.
Fourteen years worked great hoaxer and
outrageous genius to create a monument to
himself . This endless labyrinth of
corridors , stairways , halls and rooms ,
where every corner offers a shocking
surprises and secrets , completely housed
in the former town theater .

3. About Salvador Dali.

Salvador Dali - Spanish painter, graphic
artist, sculptor, director and writer. One of
the most famous representatives of
surrealism .
In 1937 the artist visited Italy and
remains enthusiastic about the works of
the Renaissance . In his own work begins
to dominate the correct proportions of the
human and other features of academicism.
Sick, weak, Dali died on January 23,
1989 of a heart attack .

4. What can you see in this museum?

After visiting this wonderful museum you
will be in a good mood . This museum is
more than a hundred paintings and
sculptures made by Salvador Dali. In
addition to paintings and sculptures at the
Museum - Theatre Dalí have different
rooms which are essentially individual
work of art.


Works of Salvador Dali
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