


Group: 16-003
Done by: Аdylzhanova D.
Cheked by:Sagantaeva S.H.

2. Plan:

1 Classification
2 Acute bronchitis
2.1 Etiology (causes of)
2.2 Pathogenesis
2.3 The course of the disease and prognosis
2.4 Treatment
3 Chronic bronchitis

3. Bronchitis

(lat. Bronchitis, bronchus by + -itis - inflammation) a disease of the respiratory system in which the inflammatory
process involved in the bronchi. It is one of the most frequent
reasons for seeking medical care.In the majority of cases of
acute bronchitis its cause is an infection, such as viral or
bacterial, and require treatment with antibiotics or antiviral
drugs. Chronic bronchitis may develop as a complication of
acute or as a result of long-acting non-infectious irritants, such
as dust. In some cases, bronchitis developing bronchial
obstruction due to swelling of the mucous membrane, such is
called obstructive bronchitis. Treatment of bronchitis depends
on a provoking factor, such as the flow and form of the disease.


5. Classification

"International Classification of Diseases" includes two forms of
Acute bronchitis - acute diffuse inflammation of the mucosa of
the tracheobronchial tree, characterized by an increase in the
volume of bronchial secretion with cough and sputum.
Chronic bronchitis - diffuse progressive damage of the bronchial
tree to the restructuring of the secretory apparatus of the mucous
membrane with the development of the inflammatory process,
accompanied by hypersecretion of mucus, a violation of the
cleaning and protective function of the bronchi.
Acute and chronic bronchitis differ significantly from each other
in the etiology, pathogenesis and therapeutics.

6. Acute bronchitis

Etiology (causes of) In most cases, the cause of acute
bronchitis are viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus,
rhinoviruses, and others.) And bacteria (pneumococci,
Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus, and others.). Less
common causes as bronchitis protrude fungi, contact with
allergens or inhalation of toxic substances. The most
common route of infection - airborne, ie inhalation of
infected droplets of saliva in contact with the ailing man
(while talking, coughing, sneezing, kissing).

7. Risk Factors

Social class (Independent ? Of
other factors)
Occupational dust exposure
Recurrent infection



Viruses or chemical, physical impact damage epithelial cells of the
bronchial mucosa and cause their death, which creates favorable
conditions for the penetration of the tissue of the bronchi of the
bacterial flora (most pneumococcus and gemmofilnoy sticks). The
bacterial flora is usually attached to the viral infection of the
respiratory tract with 2-3 days of illness. This determines the further
course of the inflammation has arisen, which is aggravated violation of
microcirculation, trophic and nervous mikrotrombozov. Usually, the
inflammation disappears and mucosal lesions of the respiratory tract is
restored within a few weeks. In some patients the disease process does
not regress and becomes chronic. In mild cases, the morphological
changes limited to the mucosa, heavy - captured all the layers of the
bronchial wall. The mucosa appears edematous, hyperemic, with the
presence of mucous, mucopurulent or purulent exudate on the surface.
In severe hemorrhage is often seen in the mucous membrane, exudate
may acquire a hemorrhagic character. In some cases there is complete
obstruction of the lumen secret small bronchi and bronchioles.


The disease and the prognosis
Acute bronchitis usually lasts about 10 days. Like other
respiratory diseases, bronchitis can accompany a cold
or flu, or arise as a result, but may start by itself,
without apparent prior occasion. The disease usually
begins with a dry cough, which may be strong,
especially at night, and may thus deprive suffering from
the disease of normal sleep and rest. After a few days of
dry cough turns into productive cough that may be
accompanied by a slight fever, fatigue, headaches.
Fever, malaise, fatigue and apathy of the state can take
just a few days, but the cough can last for several
weeks. In some people, the cough can last several
months, as the healing of the inflammation of the
bronchial passages - a slow process.


In most cases, acute bronchitis is caused by a virus and not a
bacterial infection, and acute stage usually takes place without the
use of antibiotics by itself within a week. Antibiotics can be used to
treat bronchitis, having a bacterial origin, and sometimes as an aid
in cases of suspected possible complications or comorbidities.
Recently uncomplicated acute bronchitis is considered as a more
inflammatory and not infectious process, and therefore the antiinflammatory therapy is more justified than antimicrobial.
However, in a randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted in
Spain, it was shown slight differences in the efficiency of antiinflammatory treatment (ibuprofen 600 mg every 8 hours for 10
days) compared to placebo and antibiotic (amoxicillin + clavulanic
acid 500 / 125 mg every 8 hours for 10 days).
There are effective non-pharmacological methods of treatment of
cough, including acute bronchitis, which is useful to apply as in the
presence of a prescribed drug treatment, and in his absence.
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