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Kamenets. Architectural monuments
1. Kamenets
{2. Kamenets (former name - Kamenetz, Kamenets ( 1795 - 1944 )) - a city of regional subordination in Ukraine , the center of
Kamenetz-Podolsk district of Khmelnitsky region , on 22 March1919 to November 1920 - the capital Ukraine ; significant
economic, educational, cultural and tourist center.
3. architectural monuments
In Kamenetz-Podolsknumerous historical and
architectural monuments National Historical and
Architectural Reserve ,
Historical MuseumReserve , Castle (XIV-XVI
century, rebuilt in the XVIIXVIII century) and Paul
Cathedral (XVI century),
trees' Ian Cross church
(XVIII century) and others.
architectural monuments
4. Novoplanivskyy bridge
Bronze monument toJohn Paul II
5. The Town Hall in Kamenetz-Podolsk
Gunpowder warehouse6.
{Monument tourist
Kamenetskyy deer
7. cathedrals
{Alexander Nevsky
Cathedral of Saints Peter
and Paul in KamenetzPodolsk
8. church
{Trinity Church, c.
Holy Cross Church, c.
9. In ancient times and the Middle Ages
The city was a part of KievanRus , the XIII - XIV century Galicia and Volyn , then was
captured by the Mongols.
In the first half of the XIV
century Kamenetz became the
center of Podolsk principality
headed by Prince
Koriyatovychamy .