The State Hermitage Museum

The State Hermitage Museum

1. The State Hermitage Museum

Gavrilova Alexsandra, 341 gr

2. Description

• It was founded in 1764;
• Empress Catherine’s private collection
• The museum celebrates the anniversary of its
founding each year on 7 December.
• Etymology: a hermit or recluse (отшельник)

3. Building

The Hermitage Museum complex. From left to right: Hermitage
Theatre – Old Hermitage – Small Hermitage – Winter Palace
(the "New Hermitage" is situated behind the Old Hermitage).

4. Collections

• Works of art from the
13th to the 20th
• 120 rooms;

5. Egyptian antiquities

Limestone stele of a chief
potter, 18th century BC

6. Classical antiquities

7. Prehistoric art

8. Italian Renaissance

9. Knights' Hall

10. German, Swiss, British and French fine art

11. Russian art

12. Thank you for attention!

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