Interesting facts about the UK.
Category: englishenglish

Interesting facts about the UK

1. Interesting facts about the UK.

2. 1)In Scotland, about 790 islands, 130 of which are inhabited.

2)The shortest flight in the
world can boast of Scotland - 2
minutes. The route: Westray
Island - the island of Papa


In London, there is a club whose members are living in old houses
and castles, undertake not to install anything there, later
invented the XV century.

4. In England, it is necessary to apply to the mayor not only as "Mr. Mayor," even if the mayor - woman.

In England, it is necessary to apply to the mayor
not only as "Mr. Mayor," even if the mayor woman.


Britain is the third highest per capita tea
consumption of the population, after Turkey and
India. Recently it from third place rapidly
constricts China.


United Kingdom - the largest island of the British
Isles. It is the largest island in Europe and
occupies the 11th place among the other major
islands of the world.


Famous Hats guards are made from the fur of
the North American grizzly bear. Officers caps
higher and more brilliant.


The famous English Longleat Hedge Maze
labyrinth consists of 16,000 trees of English yew
is the longest in the world.

9. All gates should be locked promptly at 21 hours 53 minutes. After that, regular trumpeter blows rebound Tower and the ceremony ends.

In London, there is one very
attractive for tourists
Tradition - Ceremony of the
Keys (Ceremony of the Keys).
For the past 700 years in a
row, each night the chief jailer
Tower of London, more
commonly known as
Beefeater (Dressed exactly
the same as the character in
the famous bottle of gin) is
doing the ritual closing of the
Tower gate.

10. The opening session of the British Parliament Speaker, as we know, is still traditionally sits on a sack of wool.

This custom comes
from the Middle Ages,
when England was a
major exporter of
wool and wool
products in Europe.

11. In England ghost care. For example, the first official club of ghosts seekers was organized in this country as early as 1665.

12. Work performed Shebeshten Victoria. Grade 9.

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