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Leading teams
Leading TeamsFinal Presentation
Week 5
Group Members
2. Team Penta
“Penta” is a Greek word that means “Five”represents 5 group members.
3. The Minefield
Link: Game Description
• The Minefield (20-30 minutes activity) is inspired by the book by Tom Heck ‘Duct TapeTeambuilding Games’
• The “Mines” (Large red cups) are haphazardly placed in the minefield
• Each team nominates two members who are participating while rest of them are cheering their
• Each team will have 5 minutes to discuss and create the strategy and finalize their nominations
• Each blindfolded person need to walk from one side of the field to the other side
• The challenge is to reach the other side of the minefield safely without touching mines
• Blindfolded person must listen to the verbal guidance of the partners
5. Game Rules Each team will have one facilitator to monitor and create their results
1. One person will be blindfolded2. Not allowed to talk or see
3. Once you steps on a mine, team
must return back to the start
1. The other person is allowed to see
and talk
2. Not allowed to touch their partner
3. Not allowed to enter the minefield
6. Who would be the Winner:
The rules to win:• 2 Winning teams
• Maximum time of 7 minutes in the field
• 2 teams who cross the minefield in less time will be the winner
• If no one reaches the finish line in 7 minutes, the team closer to the
finish line will be the winner
7. Team Rewards
1st PositionStarbucks gift card worth $20 for the team to have fun time
together and build relationship and social bonding
2nd Position
Dunkin Donuts card worth $15 for the team to build team
8. What you will Learn:
The idea behind this exercise is to improve following in a team:Trustworthiness
Collaboration & Cooperation
Effective Communication
Problem Solving & Creativity
GAME IN PROCESS10. Post-Discussion:
1: Using their native language better
2: Smaller feet can play better
3: Find a good way to communicate with their partners.
4: Need large place to play
5: Reward value
6: Team should work together
11. Winners:
• 1st PositionTeam Name:
Time taken:
• 2nd Position
Team Name:
Time taken: