Anzhero-Sudgensk — is a town in the Kemerovo district of Russia, 115 km north from the district capital – Kemerovo with a population of 74 376 people.
In 1928 the two villages - Anzherka and Sudgenka join and become Anzhero-Sudgensk. In 1931 Angero-Sudgensk gains the status of a city.
In the years of the Great Patriotic War the citizens start to work double or triple the shift. The main objective of the town during the years was to supply the country with coal.
Memorial to those who died during the Great Patriotic War Obelisk in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, losts in the Great Patriotic War.
After the end of the war there was a glass, a meat, a milk factory opened in the town.
Some famous landmarks of the city
Square borcam revoljucii
It also includes attractions Anjero-Sudenska related temples
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Categories: historyhistory englishenglish


1. Anzhero-Sudgensk

2. Anzhero-Sudgensk — is a town in the Kemerovo district of Russia, 115 km north from the district capital – Kemerovo with a population of 74 376 people.

The population over the last 55 years

3. H I S T O R Y

In the late XIX century
throughout the whole of Siberia
the government start building
the Siberian railway.
In the process of construction it
was discovered large coal-bearing
deposits. They are starting to
produce coal for the iron Siberian


In 1895 there was station Anzherovskaya opened.
There were four shacks opened for the workers to
live in. Close to the station there was a village
called Sudgenskoye. Stations Angerovskaya and
Sudgenskaya become big and famous for their
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