The Main Provisions Of The Psychology Of The Future
Regulations - Part 1
Regulations - Part 2
Regulations - Part 3
Regulations - Part 4
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Category: psychologypsychology

The Main Provisions Of The Psychology Of The Future

1. The Main Provisions Of The Psychology Of The Future

Psychology of the future
© Steingart Sergei, 2017

2. Regulations - Part 1

1. At the center of the study of the psychology of the future is
man (anthropology) and personality (personology);
2. The psychology of the future will be as simple as possible
and applicable in life;
3. The psychology of the future will use an integral approach;
4. The psychology of the future will necessarily include itself
elements of philosophy, worldly experience and common
5. The psychology of the future will pay special attention to the
phenomena of love, happiness and the problem of the
meaning of life;

3. Regulations - Part 2

6. The psychology of the future will actively explore
the faculties of the mind and the brain - to apply
the achievements of cognitive science and
7. The psychology of the future will include such
directions as: humanistic (phenomenological,
existential and positive psychology), the individual
psychology of A. Adler, the esoteric teachings of V.
Zeland, E. Tolle;

4. Regulations - Part 3

8. The most important qualities of a psychologist of
the future are humanism and the ability to think;
9. Since human nature is biosocial, the psychology of
the future will be based on studies of such sections
as evolutionary and social psychology;
10. The psychology of the future will actively use the
achievements of other sciences;

5. Regulations - Part 4

11. The psychology of the future will reconsider its view
on schizophrenia relying on R. Laing's
antipsychiatry, O. Omkar's spiritual crisis theory and
the hypothesis of dopamine self-stimulation;
12. The psychology of the future will use the ethical
component of all religions.

6. Conclusion

I am sure that the psychology of the future will
work effectively for the benefit of all of
(Sergey Shteyngart, [email protected], +7 (950) 226 09 49, St. Petersburg)

7. Sources

• L. Feuerbach - The main provisions of the
philosophy of the future.

8. Спасибо за внимание!

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