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SX11 Blue tooth activity
SX11-A3海外蓝牙激活手顺SX11-A3 abroad Bluetooth activation flowchart
Activation shall be conducted after vehicle ignition
*使用安卓手机 打开手机热点 将热点名称修改成:12345678 热点密码改成:无(不设置密码)
Use an Android phone turn on the mobile hotspot change the name of the wifi hotspot to 12345678 change the hotspot
password to None no password .
1注 豪华版需执行此步骤 尊贵版及旗舰版请跳过此步骤并进入第2步
Ps Please perform this step for Luxury models; Please skip this step and proceed to Step 2 for Premium and Flagship models
打开引擎盖 断开蓄电池后再紧固蓄电池一次
Lift the hood after disconnecting the battery, tighten the battery once.
2打开车机 进入主画面 在主画面 点击下面四宫格状的“应用”按钮
Power on Headunit, enter into main screen, press the quadrilateral “Application” button
3在应用界面下 点击下面的“电话”按钮
At App screen press the “phone” button.
4进入电话拨号页面 根据不同车型配置 在拨号页面输入对应的进入工程模式指令
At dialing screen, enter the corresponding engineering mode instruction according to different models
1、对于尊贵及旗舰版 根据当前的车机时间 输入 #* 月份+10 +日期+小时 12小时制
For Premium and Flagship models following the present timing of headunit enter #* month+10 +date+ hour 12 hours mode
例如 22年4月29日下午3点 则输入 #*142903
For example 3pm 29th April, 2022 pls. enter #*142903
2、对于豪华版 输入 #*110112 断电重启后 当前车机时间为2000年1月1日0点 0点对应值为12
For Luxury models Enter:#*110112 After power off and restart, the current host time is 0 o 'clock on January 1, 2000, and the corresponding value of
0 o’clock is 12
5拨号正确后会自动进到如下页面点击“一键连接WIFI” 等待WiFi连接。
Below screen will be showed after correct dialing, pls. press “One-click Wifi connection” then wait for wifi connection.
可查看手机是否有设备连接 判断是否连接成功 成功连接后蓝牙会自动激活
You can check whether any device on the mobile terminal connects to the mobile hotspot to determine whether the vehicle is successfully
connected Bluetooth will be automatically activated after successful connection.