CoracSHn of zee EEsai
Essay in original
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Category: englishenglish

Essay #3. CoracSHn of zee EEsai

1. CoracSHn of zee EEsai

Alex by: Done ^_^

2. Essay in original

Dear Nancy! How are you? I hope you’re having good time. I’m
writing to you because I want to tell you about my excellent
discovery. When I was in Hungary I visited a small town that
famous its delicious marzipans. The town called Szentendre. It’s
a really good place for artists, tourists and travelers. By the way
precisely artists opened this town for world. Szentendre has
many interesting museums, shops and churches. The most
unusual museum is a museum of marzipans. This place look
fantastic because all of the things there made of marzipan. For
example, they have marzipan Michael Jackson and Princess
Diana. I have photos both of them. This statues have only one
minus there are not edible. I recommend you to visit Szentendre
and museum of marzipan. You will receive many happy
emotions because I know that you like sweets also like I. I look
forward for your latter. See you soon.

3. Mistakes are highlighted

Dear Nancy! How are you? I hope you’re having good time. I’m
writing to you because I want to tell you about my excellent
discovery. When I was in Hungary I visited a small town that is
famous its delicious marzipans. The town called Szentendre. It’s
a really good place for artists, tourists and travelers. By the way
precisely artists opened this town for world. Szentendre has
many interesting museums, shops and churches. The most
unusual museum is a museum of marzipans. This place look
fantastic because all of the things there made of marzipan. For
example, they have marzipan Michael Jackson and Princess
Diana. I have photos both of them. This statues have only one
minus there are not edible. I recommend you to visit Szentendre
and museum of marzipan. You will receive many happy
emotions because I know that you like sweets also like I . I look
forward for your latter. See you soon.

4. Highlighted mistakes are corrected

Dear Nancy! How are you? I hope you’re having good time. I’m
writing to you because I want to tell you about my excellent
discovery. When I was in Hungary I visited a small town that is
famous its delicious marzipans. The town called Szentendre. It’s
a really good place for artists, tourists and travelers. By the way
precisely artists opened this town for world. Szentendre has
many interesting museums, shops and churches. The most
unusual museum is a museum of marzipans. This place look
fantastic because all of the things there made of marzipan. For
example, they have marzipan Michael Jackson and Princess
Diana. I have photos both of them. This statues have only one
negative thing, they are not edible. I recommend you to visit
Szentendre and museum of marzipan. You will receive many
happy emotions because I know that you like sweets also like
me/I do . I look forward for your latter. See you soon.
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