Topic: “The famous British people”

The famous british people

1. Topic: “The famous British people”

Everybody lives his live:
The actor acts,
the inspector inspects,
The writers write,
the readers read,
The teachers teach,
the children smile,
The sun is bright
the life is sweet,
And there is no end to it!

2. The famous British people

William Shakespeare
Agatha Christie
Charlie Chaplin Elizabeth II
Lewis Carrol
Daniel Defoe
Diana Spenser
Margaret Thatcher

3. “The famous British people” № 1. Find the mistakes!

Was famous for…
1.Elizabeth II
A Queen of Britain.
2.Agatha Christie
A famous English writer of popular detective stories and plays.
An English writer, his most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”
An English writer and poet. He is famous for his “ Romeo and
Juliet”, “Hamlet”
5.Daniel Defoe
An English politician, the Prime Minister of Britain.
6.Diana Spenser
A most famous English comic-actor and producer, he acted in
dumb films.
7. Charlie Chaplin
An English princess, her husband was a Prince Charles.
Key: mistakes : № 3 – №5; № 6- № 7

4. «Diana- the People’s Princess»

1. …was born in …
2. in childhood
родилась в ….
в детстве
3. at the age of …
в возрасте …лет
4. they got married
они поженились
5. they seemed
они казались
6. to remember her
почтить её
7. died
8. ordinary
9. with AIDS
10. among
простой, обычный
со СПИДом
среди них

5. Text “Diana- the People’s Princess” № 2. Make the parts in the right order!

Text “Diana- the People’s Princess”
№ 2. Make the parts in the right order!
Part of text
They had two sons. They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, and they visited
many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did
different things and Charles didn't understand her.
Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful woman in the world?
Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died?
Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in England. She had two older sisters
and a younger brother. In childhood she wanted to become a dancer. She loved children
very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children. Diana
became princess, when Prince Charles, the Queen's son, asked her to be his wife and
they got married. They seemed to be happy.
Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers
(Tom Hanks, Steven Spilberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were
among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people.
The answer is so simple. She was a kind woman. She liked ordinary people, though she
was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was ready to help poor
peoples. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and she talk to them, listen to them.
She was, indeed, the People's Princess.
She wanted to make them happy and to give them love, because she needed
love herself.

6. Check yourself!

Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in England. She had two older sisters
and a younger brother. In childhood she wanted to become a dancer. She loved children
very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children. Diana
became princess, when Prince Charles, the Queen's son, asked her to be his wife and
they got married. They seemed to be happy.
They had two sons. They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, and they visited many
countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and
Charles didn't understand her.
Why was Diana the most famous, the most beautiful woman in the world?
Why did so many people come to London to remember her when she died?
The answer is so simple. She was a kind woman. She liked ordinary people, though she
was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was ready to help poor
peoples. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and she talk to them, listen to them.
She wanted to make them happy and to give them love, because she needed love
Rock stars (Sting, Elton John), pop singer George Michael, film stars and producers (Tom
Hanks, Steven Spilberg, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise) and other famous people were
among her friends. But she had more friends among ordinary people.
She was, indeed, the People's Princess.

7. The musical pause

8. Listening “Charlie Chaplin”

New words:
1.the first step to the stage- первый шаг на сцену
2.attended- посещал
3.silent – немой (без звука)
4. “The Little Tramp”- «Маленький бродяга»
5. moustache- усы
6. make laugh- смешить
7.twice- дважды

9. Listening “Charlie Chaplin” №3: Make the test!

a) Diana Spencer
b) Charlie Chaplin c) Elton John
2. He was famous
a) singer
b) scientist
3.…was born in …
a) in England
b) in Great Britain
c) in the USA
4. His parents were ….
a) politicians
b) writers
c) artists
5. His first step to the
stage was at the age of …
6. He was famous for ….
a) 5
b) 6
7. He was …(=traits of
a) funny and talented
a) his books
c) actor
c) 7
b) his films and talent
b) stupid
c) his
c) non-athletic

10. № 3.Listening “Charlie Chaplin” Check yourself!

1- b
2- c
3- a
4- c
5- a
6- b
7- a
Your mark:
6-7 answers - “5”
5 answers - “4”
4 answers - “3”

11. Homework: fill the table! (Text “Diana-the Peoples Princess” or your favorite famous face)

1. Name
2. …was born … (=Date of Birth)
3. …was born in… (=Country)
4. Family (=parents, sisters, brothers)
5. …was famous English … (=Occupation)
6.… was famous for …
7. …was … (=Traits of character)
8. … likes … (=Hobbies)

12. Our results

1.What famous British people did you know today?
2.What was new for you?
3. What was difficult for you?
- It was difficult for me to …
( -speak English;
read the text; listen to text;
understand the text about…; make the test)
4. What do you want to tell about?
5. What is your mark for the lesson?

13. Thank you for your good work! Good buy!

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