Category: geographygeography

Интересные и необычные факты об Австралии


Интересные и необычные факты об Австралии
Interesting and unusual facts about Australia
Выполнила работу Романова
Милослава, 6 «А» класс


Австралия. Australia
Australia is an amazing country full of surprises. It is not for nothing
that it is called the country of contrasts, because here in the
neighborhood you can find developed megacities and endless deserts.
In addition to the incredibly beautiful landscapes in Australia, you
can find a lot of dangerous fauna. That's what else this country can
surprise you with!


Факты. Factes
1. The Australian continent was already inhabited by people
before the arrival of the British, and the first aborigines
appeared 50,000 years ago.
2. This country is in sixth place in terms of area (7 million km)
and occupies an entire continent.


3. There are more than 10 thousand beaches to choose from in the
country. It turns out that for almost 30 years you can come to a new
beach every day!
4. There are about 200 thousand species of animals living in Australia,
while most of them are endemic, that is, those who live only in a limited
area and are no longer found elsewhere on our planet.
5. In Australia, a special dialect of English is used, called strine. In
total, more than 300 languages are spoken on the mainland, and 45 of
them are indigenous languages.
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