Interesting facts about Australia
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Interesting facts about Australia

1. Interesting facts about Australia


• Thema; Interesting facts about
• Plan
• Welcome Australia
• Interesting facts about
• Listoflietarature

3. Australia The 6th largest country in the world, covering an entire continent with an area of ​​about 7.6 million km2.

Australia The 6th largest country in the world,
covering an entire continent with an area of about
7.6 million km2.

4. Australias is really welcome they say each other “where” (distorted “good day” - “good afternoon”), regardless of the degree of

proximity. In the morning, the first thing lovers say to each other is “where”.
The reason for this short greeting is so widespread is very simple - flies. The longer your mouth is
open, the more flies can fly into it. To pronounce "where", lips almost do not need to be moved. You
just need to twist them a little. And speak in the nose, in the nose!

5. 80% of the 24 million Australians live within 100 km of the coast.

6. Australia has more than 200 different languages ​​and dialects spoken, 45 of which are indigenous languages. The most common in

Australia has more than 200 different
languages and dialects spoken, 45 of which are
indigenous languages. The most common in
addition to English are Italian, Greek, Cantonese,
Arabic, Vietnamese and Chinese.

7. Australia has the highest share of migrants among developed countries. Over 25% of Australians were born in another country. In

addition to indigenous
peoples, migrants from 200 countries live here.

8. The country has a unique ecosystem, including pristine rainforests, ancient cliffs and beautiful beaches.

9. Australia has 16 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including historic towns, cities and landscapes.

10. Australia became the second country after New Zealand in the world to give women the right to vote (1902).

11. Canberra was created in 1908 as a compromise, when Sydney and Melbourne could not agree which of them will become the capital.

12. The largest cattle station in the world is in South Australia. Anna Creek Station has an area of ​​more than 34 thousand km2 -

The largest cattle station in the world is in South
Australia. Anna Creek Station has an area of more
than 34 thousand km2 - this is more than the
territory of Belgium (30.5 thousand km2).

13. Australians spend more money on gambling per capita than in any other country. 80% of adults in Australia gamble. Australia has

20% of all poker
machines in the world.

14. Kangaroo meat can be bought in supermarkets, butchers and ordered in a restaurant. Kenguryatin is seen as a healthier

alternative to beef or lamb,
as contains only 1-2% fat.

15. Despite the fact that many Australians love sports, the country is one of the leaders in obesity: 26% of citizens suffer from

this disease. 63% of the
population are overweight.

16. Australia has 60 wine regions. Australian wineries produce about 1.35 trillion bottles of wine per year.

17. In 2007, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the indigenous people of Australia, which was an important

milestone in
national reconciliation.

18. Australians call the English Pome, which is an abbreviation for Prisoners of Mother England ("Prisoners of Mother England").

Australians call the English Pome, which is an
abbreviation for Prisoners of Mother England
("Prisoners of Mother England"). Despite the history
of the country's colonization of the country by
convicts, the homicide rate in Australia is 1.2 per
100 thousand people (compared with 6.3 per 100
thousand people in the United States).

19. Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world.

20. Before the arrival of people, Australia was home to megafauna: there were 3 m tall kangaroos, 7 m long lizards, horse-sized

ducks and marsupial lions
the size of a leopard.

21. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure of the planet. He has his own inbox!

22. If you fold all the sails of the roof of the Opera House, you get the perfect sphere. The architect was inspired by the sight

of an orange.

23. For the first time, Captain James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia in 1770. In 1788, 11 British ships arrived on the

continent to create a correctional
colony here. Just a few days after raising the British flag, two French ships arrived
in Australia, but it was too late to claim these territories.

24. The Chinese explored Australia long before the Europeans arrived. Back in the 1400s, sailors and fishermen sailed to Australia

to collect sea
cucumbers and trade with indigenous peoples.

25. The first European to visit Australia in 1606 was the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon. Over the next hundred years, other Dutch

researchers visited the country, who compiled a map and named it
New Holland (New Holland).

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