Category: englishenglish

5 Minute Tutorial


5 Minute Tutorial
How To Start
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPo


Try to get used to seeing a question and
extracting two basic ideas for paragraphs.
These two ideas are your two paragraphs.
Once you have your two simple ideas / sentences
(P1 and P2) the whole essay starts.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


culture of many societies. To what extent would
you say that the internet has positively or
negatively affected the development of your
P1 positively 100% reason 1
Reduced communication costs.
P2 positively 100% reason 2
A big game-changer in certain commercial
sectors, especially retail book shops.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


The idea of having one job is becoming old
fashioned. The new fashion is to have several
jobs or ways of earning money. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
Can you see how we have two views here?
Then a 'to what extent do YOU AGREE /
DISAGREE' -this is confusing.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


When making my plan I'm just going for a simple
coherent essay which is easy to understand and
P1: AGREE one job is old fashioned ...
P2: AGREE several jobs the norm...
To conclude: my opinion is totally in favour of the
modern new trend of 'career hopping'.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


Because of new subjects such as computer
programming studies, numerous education
centres have dropped music from the curriculum.
How important is music in a young person’s
P1: Schools dropping music. Explain why...
P2: Music is important for children because...
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


There are more types of questions.
To be 100% certain, go to IELTSPodcast and
download the Sentence Guide.


So, we have our two ideas.
Now we can build a simple essay around these
two points.
To start with, the essay will be very basic.
This is a 'skeleton' essay, later we put on the
muscles, and fill it out.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


To summarise, we have the most important parts:
P1: Idea 1 for the first paragraph.
P2: Idea 2 for the second paragraph.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


Getting the P1 and P2 is fundamental.
In the Sentence Guide we go into it in great detail.
Because if you get the start wrong, the destination
will be wrong also.
So it is critical to get P1 and P2 completely under
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


With these ideas we can drop them into the
'skeleton' essay plan.
The essay plan is an outline of each sentence we
will write.
The introduction will look like this:
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


G = Sentence 1 = S1: This general sentence introduces the essay.
O = S2: Here I place my opinion and my main reason (P1 + P2)
(sometimes you may need a second sentence to describe P2).
T = TS3: Here is a universal sentence you can place if you have
problems writing the stated amount of words:
This essay will discus both sides / issues, using examples to
demonstrate points and support arguments.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


culture of many societies. To what extent would
you say that the internet has positively or
negatively affected the development of your
P1 positively 100% reason 1
Reduced communication costs.
P2 positively 100% reason 2
A big game-changer in certain commercial
sectors, especially retail book shops.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


The internet has had a significant influence on the culture of many
societies. To what extent would you say that the internet has
positively or negatively affected the development of your society?
G = The internet is becoming evermore pervasive in everyday
culture, both in a positive and a negative manner.
Sentence 1 = S1: This general sentence introduces the essay.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


O = S2: Personally I believe the fall in the cost in communication
technologies and the dramatic change in certain commercial
sectors have definitely benefited the consumer.
Here I place my opinion and my main reason (P1+P2) (sometimes
you may need a second sentence to describe P2).
T = TS3: This essay will discus both issues, using examples to
demonstrate points and support arguments.
Here is a universal sentence you can place if you have problems
writing the stated amount of words:
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


cost in communication technologies and the dramatic change in
certain commercial sectors have definitely benefited the consumer.
This essay will discus both issues, using examples to demonstrate
points and support arguments.
Excellent introduction.
Brief, shows the direction I will take the reader / examiner.
Because we have P1 and P2 in the introduction, and because we
will expand on these points in the next two paragraphs, we are
guaranteed to score points for C&C.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


fall in the cost in communication technologies and the dramatic
change in certain commercial sectors have definitely benefited the
consumer. This essay will discus both issues, using examples to
demonstrate points and support arguments.
Excellent introduction.
Brief, shows the direction I will take the examiner.
Because we have P1 and P2 in the introduction, and because we
will expand on these points in the next two paragraphs, we are
guaranteed to score points for C&C.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


using this format.
We start with the skeleton essay -once that is
under control – we start putting on the muscle.
It is easy to remember.
Easy to implement.
Guarantees points for C&C and Task Response.
Writing Task 2 Sentence Guide is available at www.IELTSPod


There are more tricks for writing high scoring
essays quickly and easily.
Go to IELTSPodcast and download the Sentence
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