Category: historyhistory

Aral Sea


student: Amangeldi K.T
11 November, 2014
The Environmental Problems in Aral sea




Aral Sea - endorheic salt lake in Central Asia, on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Since 1960-ies of XX century the sea level (and the volume of water in it) rapidly decreases
due to diversion of water from the main feeder rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Until the
early depletion of the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. Excessive intake of
water for irrigation of agricultural land transformed the world's fourth largest lake, the sea,
above the rich life in a barren desert. What is happening to the Aral Sea - a real ecological
disaster, the blame for which lies with the Soviet government. At the moment the shrinking
Aral Sea has gone 100 miles from its former coastline near the town Muinak in Uzbekistan.


In the Soviet Union the deteriorating
state of the Aral Sea was hidden for
decades, until 1985, when MS
Gorbachev made this ecological
disaster public. At the end of the
1980s. the water level dropped so
much that the whole sea was divided
into two parts: the northern and
southern Small Aral Large Aral. By
2007, in the southern part of clearly
recorded deep western and eastern
shallow ponds, as well as the remains
of a small single bay. The volume of
the Large Aral shrank from 708 to only
75 km3, and salinity increased from 14
to more than 100 g / l.


Comparative figures



Decreased the
number of animals
The number of fish
species living there
fell from 32 to 6 - the
result of increasing
the level of salinity,
loss of spawning and
feeding grounds
(which remained
basically only deltas).
If in 1960 the fish
catch reached 40
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