Category: geographygeography

Yellowstone National Park. The place where the park is situated


Made by:
Ivanushkina Kate
Ryabinina Mary
Rachupkina Irina
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Yellowstone National Park


Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone is the first
national park in the
world. It was founded
on 1 March 1872.
Yellowstone Park is
situated in the USA in
the territory of states
of Wyoming, Montana
and Idaho. There are
many lakes, rivers,
canyons, caves and
geysers in the park.
Its size is 8983 square


The place where the park is situated


Rives and lakes
Lake Yellowstone is the biggest mountain lake in North America,
which is situated in Yellowstone park. Its size is 350 square
kilometres and the biggest depth is 120 metres. The Snake
River is another big reservoir. It is the biggest tributary of the
Columbia River. Its length is 1735 kilometres.


Flora and Fauna
In the park we can
find almost 60
species of mammals:
wolf, black
bear,mountain goat,
grizzly bear, deer,
and many other.


Among them there are also many rare animals, such as
American bison, lynx and mountain lion (puma).


There are 18 species of fish in the park, including
Yellowstone salmon, 6 species of reptiles (turtles and
snakes), 4 species of amphibians and 311 species of birds.


There are 1870 species of plants in the park.
There are 8 species of coniferous trees. The most
common trees are aspen, willow and birch.


In the park there are about three thousand geysers. Among them
is one of the largest geysers - Steamboat Geyser and one of the
most famous - the geyser Old campaigner.
Each year in Yellowstone Park, there are thousands of small


This is a wonderful place where you can enjoy the
beauty of nature. And many people would like to visit
the Yellowstone National Park.
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