Category: warfarewarfare

We often hear different opinions about the question: should military service be compulsory?


Should military service be
The presentation was made by first-year student Artyom Androsov


We often hear different opinions
about the question: should
military service be
compulsory? This issue has
become especially relevant
recently. Let's talk about it and
consider all points of view


The history of military service goes back many
thousands of years. A thousand years ago it was
impossible to imagine compulsory military service:
martial art was very difficult, it was studied
throughout all life. The army then consisted of
professional warriors who learned to fight from
childhood. With the development of technology, the
ability to fight became less and less an art.
Equipment and supplies became more important
Military service history


How did
service come
Once firearms became available and economies
developed enough to mass-produce them,
armies began to grow in size - requiring more
men to fight battles. Combat became
increasingly a matter of brute force rather than
skill. The power of technology replaced the
power of the human body, especially when
automatic weapons, artillery, tanks, airplanes,
and missiles appeared. Once firearms became
available and economies developed enough to
mass-produce them, armies began to grow in
size - requiring more men to fight battles.
Combat became increasingly a matter of brute
force rather than skill. The power of technology
replaced the power of the human body,
especially when automatic weapons, artillery,
tanks, airplanes, and missiles appeared. The
task of people was to correctly use technology,
which began to do everything for them, and the
state had the opportunity and need to quickly
train large masses of people to fight using these


When did it happen?
Then such a thing as compulsory
military service for a large part of the
population appeared. The state
began to be able to simply draft a lot
of people into the army, quickly train
them, send them to war, and then
bring these people back so that they
continue to do their work in the
economy. In the 19th and 20th
centuries, compulsory military
service began to be used in almost
all developed countries


When did military service cease to be
compulsory in some countries?
At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st
century, military service ceased to be compulsory in most
developed countries. These countries did not plan to wage major
wars, and contract military service provided enough people to
complete the necessary army. Military service ceased to be
compulsory in the USA in 1973, in the UK in 1963, in France in
1996, in Italy in 2005, in Spain in 2001, in Belgium in 1994, in
Australia in 1972 year


Why was military service no longer
compulsory in these countries?
These countries are not currently waging big wars, and therefore
there is no point in maintaining a very large army, and the
number of people that contract service in the army gives them is
enough for these countries. However, all of these countries have
laws that make it possible to quickly reintroduce compulsory
military service in case a major war breaks out.


The duty of a citizen or the personal choice of
each person?
However, in most countries of the former Soviet Union,
including Russia, military service is still compulsory. Among
men in Russia, there is also a widespread opinion that “you are
not a real man if you have not served in the army,” especially
among the older generation (mostly men over 40 years
old). Many people say that it is imperative to “defend your
homeland” in any situation. Other people say that a person
should decide for himself what to do.


My opinion
I think that a person can have views that do not allow him to
serve in the army. For example, his religion may prohibit him from
harming other people, even while protecting someone, or a
person may not support the hostilities waged by any state in
which he lives, or a person may not support any wars at all.
Therefore, I personally think that military service should be a
personal choice of a person, and a person should not be forced
into military service against his will.
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