Let’s Review…

Let’s Review…

1. Let’s Review…

1. What is the name of the block we
use to make loops?
2. What is a nested loop?
3. True or False: It’s important to
know the sequence of events
before building a loop.
4. What is the difference between a
repeat loop and a conditional

2. Coding Fundamentals

Gray Wolves


4. Important Vocabulary

There are some important things for us to understand before we
begin playing– let’s review some concepts first!
Nested Loop
a structure that repeats a
set of instructions
(algorithms) until it is told
to stop
a loop
within a loop
an action that occurs if
something specific

5. New Coding Blocks

There are some new coding blocks we will use in this lesson today!
repeats the code if a defined condition
is met
This is a negative condition–
hence you will see the “not”
inside of the loop.

6. Goal for the day

We have received reports of a wolf pack
hanging around a nearby farm. The farmers
are concerned that the wolves will attack
their livestock. We need to help secure the
livestock in a safe way to protect the
livestock AND the wolves as well!
We will continue to work with loops and
nested loops. Today, we will add in a
conditional that will cause the Agent to be
selective, make choices, and take action
based on certain conditions.

7. Gray Wolves

This is your spawn point,
the location where you
begin game play.

8. Talk to Dr. Barwin

This is the pop-up screen we will
see on our screen.
When there is a longer message,
we will see a bar on the side. We
will need to slide the bar down to
read the rest of the message.
Remember, you can use the Immersive Reader feature if you
need help reading the words.
After reading/listening to the
message, click the “I’m ready”

9. Gray Wolves


10. Coding Activity #1

Step 1: Read the coding task.
Step 2: Use the MakeCode
blocks from your toolbox. You
will drag and drop them into
the coding canvas.
• What blocks do we need?
• What order should the
blocks be in?
Step 3: Press the green start
arrow to test your code.

11. Test Your code


12. Coding Activity #1


13. Walk over to the next area


14. Coding Activity #2


15. Coding Activity #2


16. Test Your Code


17. Finish the code

The goal is to reach the gold pressure plate in the
back of this grassy area.
This is an aerial perspective of the grassy area.
Consider how to finish the program based on this

18. Coding Activity #3


19. Coding Activity #3

Step 1: Read the coding task.
Step 2: Use the MakeCode
blocks from your toolbox. You
will drag and drop them into
the coding canvas.
• What blocks do we need?
• What order should the
blocks be in?
Step 3: Press the green start
arrow to test your code.

20. Coding concept: Conditional

What it means
The Agent will be selective, make choices,
and take action based on the specified
Let’s think about it
Imagine you are taking a walk outside to
pick flowers.
This time you have decided to ONLY pick
As you walk (one action), you are picking
flowers (another action), if you see a
dandelion (do NOT pick it), if you see a daisy
(then you do pick it).

21. Test Your Code

If your code runs correctly,
you will see the “Activity
Complete” message.
Also, when you walk over
the tripwire, you should
hear the bell ring!

22. Coding Activity #4


23. Coding Activity #4

Step 1: Read the coding task.
Step 2: Use the MakeCode
blocks from your toolbox. You
will drag and drop them into
the coding canvas.
• What blocks do we need?
• What order should the
blocks be in?
Step 3: Press the green start
arrow to test your code.

24. Test Your Code


25. Success!


26. Recap

What you’ve done today:
Used the coding concepts of
loops, nested loops, and
conditionals to complete tasks.
Tested and debugged my code.
Embraced a coding mindset!

27. Reflection

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