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The Judicial System in the USA
The J udicial S ys tem inthe US A
Welcome to an in-depth exploration of the judicial system in the United
States. Join us as we uncover the structure, functions, and unique aspects
of this vital pillar of American democracy.
Made by Max Lukin/ Ilya Nikolaev
B ranches of GovernmentLegis lative
The branch responsible for creating
Responsible for enforcing the law and
laws - the backbone of the judicial
overseeing the daily operations of the
system. Congress plays a central role in
judicial system. The President and their
shaping the legal landscape.
administration are key players.
J udicial
The branch entrusted with interpreting laws and ensuring their fair application. The courts
and judges provide invaluable checks and balances.
The Federal Court Sys temS tructure
US S upreme Court
Appellate Courts
The federal court system
Comprising nine justices, the
Intermediate level courts that
consists of district courts,
Supreme Court is the final
review decisions made by the
appellate courts, and the
arbiter when it comes to
district courts. They ensure
highest authority - the US
resolving constitutional
consistency and fairness in
Supreme Court. Each level
conflicts and setting legal
the legal system.
plays a crucial role.
State Court Systems1
Each state has its own court system,
Similar to the federal system, state
allowing for local variations and
courts have multiple levels - trial
addressing unique legal concerns
courts, appellate courts, and a state
within their jurisdiction.
supreme court.
The states have significant control over their court systems, including the appointment
and election of judges.
The Role of Juries1
Juries are chosen randomly from the
general population to provide an
Evidence Evaluation
unbiased and diverse perspective
during trials.
Juries play a crucial role in assessing
evidence, listening to witness
testimonies, and determining guilt
or innocence.
Jurors engage in thorough
deliberation, culminating in the
rendering of a verdict that reflects
the collective judgment of their
Civil and Criminal Cas esCivil Cas es
Criminal Cas es
Relate to disputes between individuals or
Involve charges brought against individuals
entities seeking compensation or resolution of
accused of violating public laws and entail
legal rights through financial settlements.
penalties such as incarceration or fines.
Challenges and Criticis ms1
Legal Complexity
The judicial system often faces
The intricate nature of the law and its
challenges with caseloads, leading to
interpretation can make it
delays and reduced access to justice
challenging for individuals without
for some individuals.
legal expertise to navigate the
Perceived Bias
Criticisms occasionally arise surrounding the potential for bias, raising questions about
equity and impartiality within the judicial process.
US Judicial System1
Three-tier system
The US judicial system
Presumption of
Judicial processes
Judicial processes in
consists of three tiers:
In the US judicial
the US are based on
federal courts, state
system, it is presumed
the principles of
courts, and local
that the accused is
transparency and the
courts. Each tier has its
innocent until proven
right to a fair trial.
own jurisdiction and
guilty in court. This
They include stages of
handles different
principle protects the
case preparation,
categories of cases.
rights of the accused.
preliminary hearing,
court trial, and
Independence of judges
Appealing decisions
Judges in the US are independent from
In the US, parties have the right to
other branches of government, ensuring
appeal court decisions to the next level
impartiality and independence in
of the judicial system. This allows for the
decision-making. They are required to
monitoring of law compliance and
adhere to ethical standards and are
provides an opportunity for case review
obligated to fairly and impartially
if there are valid grounds for it.
handle cases.