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Russian Judicial
1. Russian Judicial
Justice in the Russian Federation only by courts. The judiciaryis independent and operates independently of the legislative
and executive branches. Justice is carried out in the forms of
constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal justice.
The judicial system of the Russian Federation The Constitution
of the Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law
"On the Judicial Order of the Russian Federation”
At present, the judicial system of Russia consists of the
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, federal courts,
constitutional (statutory) courts and judges by parts of the
Russian Federation.
3. Constitutional Court
CONSTITUTIONAL COURTJudges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and
the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Judges of federal
courts are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.
Judges of constitutional (statutory) courts and world categories of
subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current
The main task of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
is the resolution of cases on the constitutionality of normative legal
acts of all levels. Constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of
the Russian Federation to verify compliance with the regulatory
legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in
their constitution (charters).
4. Supreme Court
SUPREME COURTThe Supreme Court of the Russian Federation heads the
system of courts of general jurisdiction and the system
of arbitration courts. In the upper court, the Supreme
Court is the only court competent to review cases as a
court of first instance, appeal, cassation or supervisory
instance. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
exercises control over the activities of lower courts,
provides them with explanations on judicial practice in
order to ensure uniform application of the law.
5. Commercial Courts
COMMERCIAL COURTSCommercial courts administer justice in the field
of entrepreneurial and other economic activities.
The system of arbitration courts consists of three
elements: arbitration courts of the constituent
entities of the Russian Federation (first
instance), appellate arbitration courts (appeal
instance) and commercial courts of the schemes
(cassation instance).
6. World Judges
WORLD JUDGESWorld judges disassemble property disputes
with the number of claims of 50,000 rubles,
criminal cases in which the maximum
possible punishment does not exceed 3
years of imprisonment and other cases of
such complexity. Appeals against decisions
of judges are considered by district courts.