
Thanksgiving day


Thanksgiving day


Thanksgiving Day was originally a holiday of
expressing gratitude and appreciation to God, as
well as to family and friends for material well-being
and kind attitude. In the USA and Canada, this
holiday has largely lost its religious significance
and has become civil, generally accepted and


This holiday has its roots in the depths of American history, to the very first settlers from England
who arrived on the shores of America in 1620 on the ship "Mayflower". They landed after a hard
voyage on a stormy ocean in the present state of Massachusetts on a frosty November day and
founded the Plymouth Colony.


salvation and a new holiday
More than half of the approximately one hundred arrivals could not survive the harsh winter and
died from cold, hunger and disease. The survivors founded a colony and in the spring, with the
help of local Indians, primarily Squanto (who taught them which crops and how to grow in the
local soil), began to cultivate the land. An unexpectedly rich harvest was the reward for their
efforts. The first governor of the colonists, W. Bradford, proposed to hold a day of giving thanks to
the Lord. In the autumn of 1621, the pilgrim fathers invited the chief and 90 other Indians of the
tribe that helped them survive in unfamiliar conditions. This meal, shared with the Indians, was the
first Thanksgiving celebration. Subsequently, the colonists celebrated a good harvest with
Thanksgiving celebrations from time to time.


date uncertainty
After gaining independence
and the emergence of a united
state of the United States, the
first president of the country, J.
Washington has proposed
celebrating Thanksgiving as a
national holiday annually on
November 26.
23 states celebrated
Thanksgiving on the
penultimate Thursday,
and 22 on the last. Other
states (for example,
Texas) declared both
days holidays.


thank you for your attention
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