Category: internetinternet

Web-quest my college and classroom


my college and classroom


You are going to take part in a web-quest “My college and
classroom” where you have to tell about your college after
searching the information about it.
You have ____ task after which you should write a little essay
(12-15 sentences) in English.
You should combine all information found in these slides.
Good luck!


Task 1
• Translate the words and write them down
A desk
A wall
A window
A door
A chair
A projector
A computer
A lap-top
A resting zone
A pen
A play-station
A pencil
A bean bag
A blackboard
A joypad
A whiteboard
A keyboard
A marker
A screen
A remote control Wires
A lamp
Coworking place


Task 2
• Now, you need to go out of your class and collect some information
1. Go out and count all doors and classes on the 1st and 2nd floors
2. Look at the names of the classrooms and note them
3. Why all the classrooms are so colorful? What does it depend on?
4. What colors are there on the first floor?
5. What color is resting zone?
6. What can you see out of the windows on the staircase?
7. Where can you find joypads?
8. Where is the canteen located?
9. What games are there in the canteen?
10.What pictures are drawn on the walls in the canteen?
11. Where can you fin a director?
12.Where can you find a city-manager?
13.Where can you ask questions about studying?


Task 3
• Go through the link and find some information about your college
Don’t forget to tell about the history,
development and classes which you can find


Task 4
• Now, let’s talk about your classroom
Write some information about your classroom
1. What is the name of the classroom?
2. Where is it located?
3. How many students can it contain?
4. What colors is it?
5. Where can you leave your clothes?


Task 5
• Try to write an essay about your college and classroom. Follow
the plan:
This is the Top college
It’s located in ___________________________________
Now, I’ll tell you more about it._____________________
I study at the wonderful classroom. _________________
I suppose that this is _____________________________
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