Category: industryindustry

Tourist transport


Tourist transport
London Doubledecker
Performed by: Viktor shklyaev and Alina


• Double-decker buses are, of course, one of the
symbols of London, which is found in
numerous photographs, posters and magnets,
this is a real visiting card of the metropolis.
Double-decker buses in London are the most
popular form of public transport after the


• Red double decker buses are often referred to as double deckers. The English phrase
"double decker" is translated as two-story.
History of double-decker buses in London
The first public transport appeared in London in 1829. It was a multi-seat horsedrawn cart - an omnibus. In order to transport as many passengers as possible along
the narrow streets, omnibuses began to be made two-story, moreover, wealthy
passengers were located on the first floor, where the seats were more comfortable,
and the poor on the second.


• Time passed and omnibuses (horse-drawn buses) improved. In 1886, the
first electric bus appeared in London, and in 1903, the world's first city bus
with an internal combustion engine was created in the capital of Great
Britain. But still, omnibuses were used in London until the First World


• In 1923, real double-decker buses of the NS Type brand began to run in
the capital of Great Britain, which fell in love with the townspeople and
served until the end of the 30s of the XX century. In the first models of
double-decker buses, the upper floors were open. But since 1925, when
there was a ban on the open second floor, the buses have been
modernized, they have roofs.


• Routemaster double-decker buses
In 1954, the Rootmaster double-decker bus was created by AEC. The name
"Routemaster" can be translated as "master of the roads" (English master master, head, route - road). A characteristic feature of these buses was the
absence of doors and an open rear platform along which passengers climbed.
Tickets were sold not by the driver, but by the conductor, whose presence
reduced the number of thefts and acts of vandalism in the cabin.


• There are a number of older double-decker buses
still plying the streets of London today, and you
might even get to see one or even ride one.


There are double-decker buses even in Udmurtia.


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