
Physics in English


Physics in English.
Revise the vocabulary.
To make calculations – проводить подсчеты
To be in motion – быть в движении
To investigate / to research – исследовать
Nuclear physics – ядерная физика
To split a nucleus – расщеплять ядро
To use equations – использовать уравнения
The particles move – частицы двигаются
Phenomenon – phenomena – явление – явления
An electrical current – электрический ток
Electrical charge – заряд
The electromagnetic field – электромагнитное поле
Electricity is carried by wires – электричество доставляется по проводам
To exert a force – оказывать давление / воздействовать
To generate electricity – производить электричество
To operate a machine – управлять машиной
To conduct / carry out experiments – проводить эксперименты
To put forward new ideas – выдвигать новые идеи
to make accurate measurements – делать точные измерения
to lay the basis for future theories – заложить основу для будущих теорий
to test and prove laws – проверять и доказывать законы
to back up by experiments – подтвердить экспериментами
to radiate energy – излучать энергию
to hypothesize – выдвигать гипотезы
to be involved in (alchemy) – заниматься чем-либо
to overcome an obstacle – преодолевать препятствие
multi-dimensional – многомерный
Check the pronunciation of the words:
Ancient, philosophize, subatomic particles, accept, observe, recognize, identify, recent theories, chemistry,
scientist, distinguished, combustion, knowledge, nucleus, wavelength, release energy, physics, physicist,
mathematician, he was honored, academy, geometry, geography, curved space, measure, equations, equal,
Use the words to complete the sentences.
conductor expand specific catalyst repetition
enroll convenient resign calculations devise
1. Metal is an example of a good … a something through which electricity can pass.
2. To plan and make is to …
3. If you are … you are exact.
4. When writing an essay, try to avoid … of vocabulary.
5. When you sign up or join a school, you …
6. The bus stop is right outside our front gate; that's very …
7. Materials such as metal, when they are heated, they …
8. A … is a substance that increases the speed of chemical reactions.
9. If you decide you want to leave your job, you …
10. I need to make some … before I ask the bank for a loan.
III. The words in black are in the wrong sentences. Put each word into the correct sentence.
1. To rotate power you need to be able to control electricity.
2. A device is produced as the secondary result of a process.
3. A mathematical statement showing two expressions are equal is a(n) by-product.
4. Electricity passes around buildings through dark matter.
5. Light is not absorbed or emitted by wires.


6. Compressed means having height, width and depth.
7. To generate means to turn around on an axis.
8. A(n) equation is a series of events.
9. The material was three-dimensional as it had been pushed tightly together.
10. This is the sequence we are going to use to carry out the experiment.
IV. Translate into Russian.
1. The fact that planets move in elliptical orbits was explained by Copernicus’ heliocentric theory.
2. Light is considered to be both a particle and a wave at the same time.
3. It was Isaac Newton who, while observing things around him, realised that objects could be in
one place without moving. He called this phenomenon inertia.
4. The Law of Universal Gravitation is true everywhere and in all cases, not only on Earth but also
in space.
5. Newton's interest in mathematics eventually resulted in the invention of calculus.
6. The laws of planetary motion and the Law of Universal Gravitation discovered by Newton were
of paramount importance.
Translate into English (in writing).
1. Иоганн Кеплер проверил и доказал гелиоцентрическую теорию Коперника.
2. Сила тяжести - это притяжение одного объекта к другому.
3. Открытие закона тяготения на протяжении веков оказывало сильное влияние на научное
4. Мать Ньютона хотела, чтобы он стал фермером, но у него это не очень хорошо получалось.
5. Работая в области оптики, Исаак Ньютон сделал несколько важных открытий в вопросах
света и цвета и построил первый телескоп (рефлектор).
VI. Listen to the audio about Albert Einstein and decide if the statements are true or false?
Albert Einstein invented lasers and satellites.
Albert Einstein was born in Munich in 1879.
After graduating, it was difficult for Einstein to find a job because of a recommendation letter.
Einstein's first job was in an office.
Einstein explained relativity comparing how fast or slow time seemed to pass in different
Einstein's general theory of relativity was proven in 1915.
Einstein was offered to be president of Israel and didn't accept.
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