
Medical scientists and their contribution to medicine


Medical scientists and their contribution to medicine
Студент группы 21-СД-4
Борисов Даниил
Петрова Ж.А
Оренбург 2022


William Harvey was born on
April 1, 1578 in Folkstone, Kent.
William's father was a successful
merchant, but he himself – the
eldest son, whom his parents
perceived as the heir – was
completely indifferent to trade.
Having received a medical degree
in Cambridge.


William Harvey, English physician
who was the first to recognize the
full circulation of the blood in the
human body and to provide
experiments and arguments to
support this idea.


William Harvey made the momentous medical
discovery that the flow of blood must be continuous
and that its flow must be in one direction only. This
discovery sealed his place in the history of medicine.


William Harvey was born in 1578 in Folkestone, Kent.
Harvey studied at Caius College, Cambridge before he
enrolled at the University of Padua in 1598. Harvey
learned about the human body by dissection and anatomical


Harvey joined the staff at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
and became a reader in anatomy and surgery. Harvey also
continued his study into the vascular system and in 1616
he announced his discovery of the circulation of blood
within the body.


Harvey explained how blood flowed in
one direction throughout the body and
that it was in the lungs where the
transformation of venous blood to
arterial blood took place.


Galen had always believed that the liver was the centre
of circulation within the body


Harvey stated that he believed that the heart was a pump
and that it worked by muscular force.


Harvey had seen during his experiments, such as the
contraction of the walls of the heart cavities at the
moment when they emptied of blood (systole) and the
dilation of the cavities when filled (diastole).


His work was a major advance in Man’s knowledge of
the cardio-vascular system.


Thank you for
your attention !


William Harvey was born on April 1, 1578 in
Folkstone, Kent. William's father was a
successful merchant, but he himself – the eldest
son, whom his parents perceived as the heir –
was completely indifferent to trade. Having
received a medical degree in Cambridge.
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