Category: educationeducation

Academy of Logistics and Transport Institute of Transport Engineering


Academy of Logistics and Transport
Institute of Transport Engineering
Department “Language training”
Master, senior-lecturer Turdalieva Elmira Doldybaevna
June, 2022
Email:[email protected]


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Foreign Language, Level A1
Direction of training:
6В071 - Engineering
6B062 – Telecommunications
6B 113 - Transport services
6B073 - Architecture and construction
Module 4 «Social sphere of communication. Person and his health»
• Week 12. Lesson 12.
• Lexical theme: «Hobby»
• Grammar theme: Past Continuous Tense (утвердительная,
отрицательная и вопросительная формы)


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
The aim of the lesson:
a) To develop student’s communicative skills in Reading,
Writing and Listening.
b) To arouse the student’s interest and find out how much they
already know about the topic area.
c) To enrich vocabulary to form student’s communicative
culture, to develop speech ability and listening skills.
d) To speak about topic, using active vocabulary.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Основная литература:
Шинтаева Л.А. УП Иностранный язык – уровень 1, Алматы; КазАТК
– 2020
Шинтаева Л.А. МУ к ПЗ «Иностранный язык – уровень 1», Алматы;
КазАТК – 2021
3. Досжанова Г.Н. Английский язык Учебное пособие, КазАТК,2020-240с.
Шинтаева Л.А. УМП «Иностранный язык», Алматы; КазАТК – 2017
4. Нурсеит Айдана, Нурсеит Айзада МУ к СРОП Иностранный язык
уровень - 1, Алматы; КазАТК - 2020
5. Сборник тестов по английскому языку, УМП, Алматы; КазАТК - 2019


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
A hobby is anything that you enjoy doing frequently. It is
less demanding and it gives you immense joy. You look
forward to something after work or school because you
want to release the stress. A hobby helps you to
reenergize and recharge. Do you have a hobby? During
my sophomore year, I realized I need a hobby. You just
cannot survive college without something to uplift your
spirit. This is why you need a hobby. The importance of
hobby is stressed in schools. Students are encouraged to
participate in extracurricular activities in order to be wellrounded. Most colleges and employers look for students
who participate in extracurricular activities. It shows that
they have good time management skills and they can lead
a balanced life.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Why do people have hobbies?
We all have talents and a passion for something. That
passion turns into a hobby. It could be singing, cooking,
acting, or painting. Some people are lucky enough to turn
this into a career. Hobbies enrich your life and keep you
sane. Pleasure is the main reason for a hobby. It makes
you happier and you develop a sense of purpose.
Sometimes a hobby pushes you to reach your full
potential. For some people, it helps them to cope in a
stressful environment. Nicki Minaj mentioned in an
interview that she went into her room and write her songs
whenever she was feeling down. A hobby is something
that helps you to cope with stress and provide an avenue
for an emotional outlet.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
5 Reasons why you need a hobby
1. De-stress mechanism
• A hobby acts as a de-stress mechanism. People who feel burden
will participate in an activity that will ease their burdens. For some
people, this can be playing soothing music on the piano or dribble
a ball on the basketball court. Without this stress reliever, we
would be miserable. It clears our mind off things that demand a
lot of concentration from us. Studies have been conducted to
prove that hobbies reduce stress level. In one study, published in
the Journal of the American Medical Association, female heart
patients reported a significant decrease in the heart rate and
blood pressure while working on simple craft projects.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Sense of purpose
• Hobbies give you a sense of purpose. You have
something to look forward to after school and work.
You set personal goals for yourself and work to achieve
them. If you want to be a better hockey player you
decide that you will get better by a particular time.
Then you set your schedule and work toward your
personal goal. You are engaged in something other than
school and work. After you finish school or retire you
can still engage in something that you love. You still
have some sort of purpose.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
You learn lifelong lessons
• Being a member of the volleyball team for 7 years, I learned the
importance of teamwork. This is a life long skill that everyone
needs at some point in their life. Employers look for candidates
with good teamwork skills. If you start a family you and your
partner need teamwork skills. If you join an organization this skill
will be needed as well. I also learned how to accept failures and
use it to improve myself as a volleyball player. We don’t always win
but we should learn from our failures. Hard work was also an
important lesson as well. You neglect training you will see it in your
poor performance. Training and practice are fundamental
elements you need to engage in if you want to succeed. All these
lessons I learned just by playing volleyball. All hobbies won’t teach
you the same things but it will be similar.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Create friendships and boost your social skills
Having friends who share the same hobby can enrich your life. You
are not limited to one realm such as work and school. You expand
your network outside of that by having a hobby. This applies to
hobbies that require more than one person such as sports. It helps
you to socialize and you can build your people skills. For
introverts, participating in a hobby can help them to practice their
people skills. People are more expressive when they talk about
their passions. This will be beneficial for people who are shy and
find it difficult to socialize with people in general. They will have
interesting things to talk about with someone who can relate to


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Build self-esteem and inspire others
If you are not confident about anything be confident when it
comes to your hobby. Most people were not good when they
started learning something new. They practiced until they
were competent and over the period they develop their selfesteem. A hobby can give you self-confidence when you
become great at something. You will inspire many people
when you are great in something that you love. You will build
the self-esteem of others around especially those who will
look up to you. Famous athletes and artists influence
upcoming athletes and artists. I think their confidence
spread to those who aspire to be like them.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Сказуемое в Past Continuous состоит из вспомогательного глагола и основного глагола. Для того
чтобы образовать Past Continuous, нам нужны формы прошедшего времени to be – was, were.
Was используется в единственном числе, were – во множественном. У основного глагола мы
убираем частицу to и добавляем окончание -ing.
I/He/She/It + was + глаголing
I was singing. – Я пел.
He was walking. – Он гулял.
She was writing. – Она
It was falling. – Оно падало.
We/You/They + were + глагол-ing
We were reading. – Мы читали.
You were talking. – Вы разговаривали.
They were running. – Они бежали.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
В отрицательном предложении между вспомогательным глаголом и
основным ставится частица not.
I/He/She/It + was not + глагол-ing
We/You/They + were not + глагол-ing
We were not reading. – Мы не
I was not singing. – Я не пел.
He was not walking. – Он не гулял.
You were not talking. – Вы не
She was not writing. – Она не писала.
They were not running. – Они не
It was not falling. – Оно не падало.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
В вопросительном предложении в Past Continuous мы выносим на первое
место вспомогательный глагол was (were), затем ставим подлежащее и
основной глагол.
Was + I/he/she/it + глагол-ing
Were + we/you/they + глагол-ing
Was I singing? – Я пел?
Was he walking? – Он гулял?
Was she writing? – Она
Was it falling? – Оно падало?
Were we reading? – Мы читали?
Were you talking? – Вы разговаривали?
Were they running? – Они бежали?


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Употребление Past Continuous
Past Continuous показывает действие, которое длилось в определенное время в прошлом. Мы не
знаем, когда оно началось, сколько времени занимало, закончилось или все еще продолжается.
Обычно в таких предложениях есть слова, указывающие на время. Здесь возможны два варианта:
В предложении указано конкретное время, когда продолжалось действие. Для этого используются такие
выражения: at 7 a.m. (в 7 утра), at 9 p.m. (в 9 вечера), at 3 o’clock (в 3 часа), at 5 o’clock yesterday (вчера
в 5 часов), this morning at 6.20 (сегодня утром в 6:20), at noon (в полдень), at midnight (в полночь) и т. д.
At midnight I was reading a book. – В полночь я читал книгу. (я начал читать до полуночи, возможно,
продолжал после и в это конкретное время находился в процессе чтения)
– What were you doing at 8 a.m.? – Что ты делал в 8 утра?
– I was drinking coffee. – Я пил кофе.
В предложении указан период времени, когда длилось действие. Здесь используются следующие
выражения: all day (весь день), in the morning/afternoon/evening (утром/днем/вечером), yesterday morning
(вчера утром), this afternoon (сегодня днем), last night (вчера вечером), this time last month/year (в это
время в прошлом месяце/году), during some time (в течение какого-то времени) и т. д.


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Мы используем Past Continuous, когда говорим о двух действиях,
которые происходили одновременно в прошлом. Эти действия могут
соединяться союзами and (и, а), while (пока, в то время как).
My girlfriend and I were watching a film and my baby sister was playing
with her new doll. – Мы с моей девушкой смотрели фильм, а моя
сестренка играла со своей новой куклой.
I was writing a letter to my friend in Brazil while my wife was cooking
dinner. – Я писал письмо другу в Бразилию, пока моя жена готовила


Department “Language training” 1st term of 2022-2023.
Past Continuous и Past Simple часто используются вместе. В этом
сочетании Past Continuous обозначает длительное действие, а Past
Simple – короткое единичное действие. В таких предложениях единичное
действие прерывает длительное. Обычно два действия соединяются
союзами when (когда), as / just as (когда, в то время как), before (перед
тем как), after (после того как), while (в то время как), until (пока не).
We were laying the table before her parents arrived. – Мы накрывали на
стол, перед тем как пришли ее родители. (они пришли, тем самым
прервав наше действие)
I was reading a book when my friend knocked at the door. – Я читал книгу,
когда мой друг постучал в дверь. (чтение – длительное действие, мой
друг постучал и прервал его)


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