Category: historyhistory

The Golden Age of Elizabeth I


Rozbakh Angelica
Group: GP1


Elizabeth's parents
Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII, who recognized her
illegitimate, and Anne Boleyn, a woman who was beheaded for treason.
Most of the British, and all other European countries, considered
Elizabeth's right to the throne illegitimate. However, she still accepted the
crown and became an outstanding queen of England.


The reign of Queen Elizabeth I
Queen understood that her power was very shaky - Mary Stuart, Queen of
Scotland and wife of the Dauphin of France, could claim the throne. She
began to act cautiously and surrounded herself with her loyal subjects.


Domestic policy
Elizabeth made a decision that provided the fragmented England with a
favorable way out of the situation. She accused Mary Stuart of treason,
imprisoned her in England. Elizabeth ended the rivalry between Scotland
and England and suppressed Mary Stuart's claim to the English throne.


And in exchange, she promised to recognize her son, James, as her heir and
king of England and Scotland. She fulfilled her promise, and later he
became the first king to unite two warring countries.


Religious policy
After the death of her sister, Elizabeth had to decide which part of the
faithful she would support. However, the Queen gradually strengthened the
church and compiled 39 articles of the creed. She managed to find a
balance between the two warring camps thanks to her religious tolerance.


Maritime expansion
Under Elizabeth, England became a maritime power, she continued the
work of her father, who created the English navy. Elizabeth gave her
patronage to sea robbers, such as Francis Drake, John Hawkins. Pirates
attacked Spanish ships and explored new sea routes, therefore, Elizabeth's
decision led to the fact that England became a strong maritime power.


Elizabeth died in her palace in Richmond at the age of 69, she was buried in
Westminster Abbey. She made England a maritime power, established trade cooperation
with Moscow and pacified two warring factions in the state. The reign of the queen is
called the golden age for England, for a long time the British remembered her with a
kind word.


Thank you for your attention!


План проекта
1. Тема проекта: «The golden age of Elizabeth 1»
2. Цель проекта: ознакомиться с основными деяниями Елизаветы 1.
3. Задачи проекта: рассказать о Елизавете 1, её политике и деяниях.
4. Структура проекта:
1) 1 слайд – титульный лист;
2) 2-7 слайды – основная информация
3) 8 слайд – выводы
4) 4 слайд – спасибо за внимание
5) 10 слайд – план проекта
5. Основные выводы и рекомендации: Несомненно, Елизавета 1 была
необыкновенной женщиной, на плечах которой лежало тяжелое бремя управления
страной. Легендарный образ золотого века воплотился во всем ее облике.
6. Перечень источников, используемых при подготовке проекта:
7. Сроки сдачи проекта: 26.10.2022 и 02.11.2022
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