Category: musicmusic

Electronic music


Electronic music
Presented by Sokolova Maria


From dubstep to disco, electronic music is a broad category of
modern music that includes a wide variety of styles.


Technically, we name music as electronic when it employs electronic
musical instruments, digital instruments and circuitry-based music
technology. A distinction can be made between sound produced using
electromechanical means (electroacoustic music) and that produced
using electronics only.
Electroacoustic violin


While most people think of electronic music as a product of the 21st century,
the reality is that electronic music has been around for almost 50 years.
Furthermore, the very first electronic and electroacoustic instruments were
made at the beginning of the 20th century.
For example, the Telharmonium (also
known as the Dynamophone) was an
early electrical organ, developed by
Thaddeus Cahill circa 1896 and patented
in 1897.The electrical signal from the
Telharmonium was transmitted over
wires; it was heard on the receiving end
by means of "horn" speakers. Like the
later Hammond organ, the
Telharmonium used tonewheels to
generate musical sounds as electrical
signals by additive synthesis. It is
considered to be the first
electromechanical musical instrument.


The theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled
without physical contact by the thereminist (performer). It is
named after its inventor, Léon Theremin, who patented the
device in 1928.
The instrument's controlling section
usually consists of two metal
antennas that sense the relative
position of the thereminist's hands
and control oscillators for frequency
with one hand, and amplitude
(volume) with the other. The electric
signals from the theremin are
amplified and sent to a loudspeaker.


This instrument was not left in the past. The theremin has been used
in movie soundtracks and also in concert music (especially avantgarde and 20th- and 21st-century new music), and in popular music
genres such as rock.
Swedish music group Detektivbyrån
rocking the theremin in 2009.


One of the most well-known electronic instrument is synthesizer.
It has its history, too.
The first commercial synthesizer was the Moog synthesizer developed
by the American engineer Robert Moog. Moog debuted it in 1964, and
Moog's company R. A. Moog Co. (later known as Moog Music)
produced numerous models from 1965 to 1980. It is credited with
creating the analog synthesizer as it is known today.
By 1963, Moog had
been designing and
selling theremins for
several years. He
began developing the
Moog synthesizer in
response to demand
for more practical and
affordable electronic
music equipment
Robert Moog in the 1970s


Moog's principal innovation was to use voltage to control pitch via a
voltage-controlled oscillator. The synthesizer also introduced fundamental
synthesizer concepts such as modularity and envelope generation.
In the late 1960s, the Moog was adopted by rock and pop acts including the
Doors, the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones, and the Beatles. At its height
of popularity, it was a staple of 1970s progressive rock.
Moog One (1972)
English musician Keith Emerson and
the Moog Synth


Although electronic instruments were being used in the 1960s, it
wasn’t until the 1970s when electronic music entered the
mainstream. Bands like Kraftwerk – an iconic West German band –
introduced the electronic sound to a wider audience. Once Kraftwerk
had introduced electronic music into the 1970s music scene, other
artists soon followed.
Kraftwerk. Live 1981


Many of today’s most popular electronic music styles, such as house and
trance, are the product of 1980s synth music. The 1980s club scene made
new wave, post-disco, and synthpop well-known styles and brought electronic
music into the mainstream. The era of glitz, glamor, and excess was a great
time for electronic music
The 1970s marked the beginning of modern dance music and the 1980s
marked its commercial breakthrough, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that
electronic music grew into the massive genre it is today.
The synth music era
Daft Punk show


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