Category: industryindustry

Cver steel. Infographics - mockups


The metal plate can hold up to 24 words, 1 to 12 on the front and 13 to 24 on the back.
Using the included automatic center punch, punch permenant dots on the squares corresponding to the first 4 letters
of each word of your seed phrase.
a t om
a r t
c ame r a
The BIP 39 word list is comprised of 2048 words between three and eight characters. In this list, the first 4 letters
are unique to each word.
That means if you have the first 4 letters, you know the rest of the word by looking for those first 4 letters in the BIP39
wordlist. Some wallets will fill in the rest of the word once the first 4 letters are entered.


100% Offline
Corrosion Resistant
Fire Resitant
Easy to setup
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