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Oxford discover futures


Project pages 24–25


Project task
• Giving a presentation
• Work in groups and give a presentation
about the historical context for a year of
your choice.
• Research the significant events for that year
on the internet.
• Prepare slides and a script for your
• Give your presentation to the class.
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Introducing the topic
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2
• Share some of your ideas with the class.
• Write down as many ideas as you can.
Use these topic ideas to help you.
Work in groups. What do you
know about the year 2000?


Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercise 2) Read 2000 The New Millennium
mind map on page 24 and match the events
with the categories.
Then discuss the question in your groups.
• What more do you know about any of
the events in the mind map?
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(After exercise 2) Add these events from 2000 to
the correct category in the mind map on page 24.
Do you know any more events to add?
Tiger Woods is the
youngest player to win
a grand slam (all four
major tournaments in
a year) in golf.
Expedition 1 was the first long-duration
stay on the International Space Station.
The three-person crew lived on the
station for over 100 days.
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2
Tens of thousands of people in Mexico
are evacuated before the volcano,
Popocatépetl, has its biggest eruption
in over 1,000 years.


(Exercise 3) In your groups, discuss these questions
about each event on the mind map.
Why is each event significant?
How many people were involved in the event?
Did it start a trend or have an impact on the future?
Was it record-breaking?
Which event is the most significant? Why?
Useful phrases
Discussing significant events
I think … is the most significant event because …
I don’t agree that … is the most significant. For me, … is far more important because …
It’s clear that … is more significant than … because …
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercise 4) Listen to four students planning their presentation.
Match each person with the category they choose.
1 Dan
a Music
TIP Listening to decisions
2 Neve
b Environment
3 Lisa
c Sports
4 Leon
d Technology
When you listen to a
conversation where people
are making a decision, make
sure you listen to the end,
even if you think you have
already heard a correct
answer. In planning
discussions people can often
change their mind!
e Literature
f Movies
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(After exercise 4) Complete these sentences
with the correct words.
1 Which ones ________ we choose?
2 How ________ if everyone says which one they’d like?
3 Is it OK if I ________ Technology?
4 Who ________ doing Literature?
5 I’d ________ do Music than Environment.
6 I’d ________ like to do Movies.
7 Would anyone ________ if I did Technology?
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Collaborate and plan
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercise 5 and 6) In your groups,
plan the steps for your own presentations.
Think about these questions:
• What materials will you use to give your presentation?
• How much time do you have to prepare?
• What work can you do in class and what can you
prepare at home?
• How can you share out the tasks so that everyone
contributes to the project?
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Discover more…) In your groups,
decide which year to research.
Research one of these options, or a different year
of your own choice:
• 1900
• the year you were born
• the year you started school
Before you start your research, discuss what online
resources you can use to find information.
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercise 7) In your groups, prepare the slides for your presentation.
Think about these questions:
• How many slides do you need (in total, and per
• What should be on the slides (pictures, facts,
• What order should the slides go in?
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2
Preparing presentation slides
• Don’t put a lot of text on each slide.
• Make sure you can read each slide from the
back of the classroom.
• Include pictures, video, music, etc. This will
make your slides more interesting.


(Exercise 7) Write a script for your presentation.
• If you use photos or charts, talk about what
they show.
• Try not to repeat the words you used on
your slides.
• You can add more information than you
have on your slides.
Useful phrases
Presenting your research
I’m going to talk about … events in …
We think this was a significant event because …
The photo on this slide shows …
… had a important/lasting/long-term impact on …
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercises 8 and 9) Practice your presentation
and give feedback to each other.
Can your group answer yes to these questions?
Is the presentation speech clear and easy to understand?
Can you read the text on the slide, even from a distance?
Are there photos, charts and diagrams to make it interesting?
Do your slides use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation?
If not, discuss any feedback and agree on any changes.
Useful phrases
Giving constructive feedback
That was good, but how about …?
I really liked …, but could you try …?
Perhaps next time you could …
You were really good at …, but perhaps you could improve …
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Exercise 10) As you listen to
each presentation, make notes.
• What was the most interesting event
included in the presentation? Why?
• Write one thing you liked about the
Which was the most interesting
year? Take a class vote!
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


(Reflect) In your groups, discuss the Reflect questions on page 25.
Copy the chart and use it to make notes in your group.
Things that went well
Things that didn’t go well
What we can do to improve
Remember to use constructive criticism to give feedback – this means
only mentioning something that didn’t go well if you can also suggest
how they can improve.
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2
You spoke quite
fast. Try to speak
more slowly and
take more breath
pauses next time.


(After Reflect) Spend five minutes
thinking about your own work.
• Write one example of something
you were proud of. (It could be
related to working as a group, the
planning, research, organising or
presenting of your presentation.)
• Write three things you have learned
about preparing and giving
presentations that will be helpful
for future projects.
Project pages 24-25 • Oxford Discover Futures 2


We hope you enjoyed
your project!


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dotshock, ImageFlow, Lukasz Pajor, Marc Ward).
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