Category: englishenglish

Present Simple или Past Simple. Тест


1) I usually … up at 7 o’clock.
a) get
b) gets
c) got
2) Your friend usually … dinner at 3 o’clock.
a) have
b) has
c) had
3) Your friend … supper at 9 yesterday.
a) have
b) has
c) had
4) Sam … TV every day.
a) watch
b) watches
c) watched
5) They … to school yesterday.
a) go
b) goes
c) went


1) I usually … chess with my sister.
a) play
b) plays
c) played
2) Your friend … to school every day.
a) go
b) goes
c) went
3) I … this film yesterday.
a) see
b) sees
c) saw
4) He … “Hello” every day.
a) say
b) says
c) said
5) He didn’t … my pen yesterday.
a) take
b) takes
c) took


1) Ann … this film every day.
a) See
b) sees
c) saw
2) He doesn’t … chess.
a) Play
b) plays
c) played
3) We … him our book yesterday.
a) Give
b) gives
c) gave
4) I didn’t … to school yesterday.
a) Go
b) goes
c) went
5) He … supper at 8 yesterday.
a) Have
b) has
c) had


1) I … a lot of porridge yesterday.
a) eat
b) eats
c) ate
2) My brother … a lot of juice every day.
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank
3) We didn’t … in the sea.
a) swim
b) swims
c) swam
4) He doesn’t … what to do now.
a) know
b) knows
c) knew
5) They … what to buy yesterday.
a) think
b) thinks
c) thought
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