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Условные предложения. Conditional sentences
Real conditionUnreal condition in the Present (Future)
Unreal condition Referring to the Past
3. Условные предложения
Условные предложения состоят из двух частей:1. придаточное с if (If-Clause)
2. главное предложение (Main Clause)
Придаточное с If
If I am late,
Main clause
Главное предложение
my teacher gets angry
Сравни: My teacher gets angry if I am late.
4. Условные предложения 0 типа
Используются для выражения общепринятых илинаучных фактов. В этом типе придаточных
предложений условия можно использовать when
вместо if
E.g. When (If) yellow is mixed with blue, we have
5. Образование условных предложений 0 типа
If/When + S + Present Simple, S + Present SimpleS + Present Simple if/when + S + Present Simple
S – subject – подлежащее
Present Simple – время глагола (простое настоящее)
6. Условные предложения I типа
Предложения выражают реальные, осуществимые условия,обычно относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени.
e.g. You may have the book if you like it.
If I have time, I shall go to the concert tomorrow.
C придаточными предложениями условия (тип 1) исп-ся
unless (если не) + глагол в утвердительной форме (= if + глагол
в отриц. форме)
e.g. I won’t tell you anything unless you promise to keep it a
I won’t tell you anything if you don’t promise to keep it a secret.
7. Образование предложений I типа
If + S + Present Simple, S + shall (will) + VS + shall (will) + V if + S + Present Simple
S – subject –подлежащее
Present Simple - время глагола (простое настоящее)
V – verb - глагол
If Tom comes home early, he will have time for reading.
Tom will have time for reading if he comes home early.
8. Виды условных предложений 1 типа
If-clauseПридаточное с If
If + S + Present Simple
Main clause
Главное предложение
S + shall (will) + V
S + Present Simple
S + Imperative
S + can/may/must + Verb
9. Условные предложения II типа
Предложения выражают маловероятные и нереальныеусловия, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему
If I had time now, I should go to the concert, but I’m busy.
10. Образование предложений II типа
If + S + Past Simple, S + should (would) + VerbS + should (would) + Verb if + S + Past Simple
S – subject - подлежащее
Verb - глагол
Past Simple – время глагола (простое прошедшее)
11. Условные предложения III типа
Предложения выражают условия, не реализованныев прошлом и, следовательно, совершенно
If I had had time yesterday, I should have gone to the
concert, but I was busy.
12. Образование предложений III типа
If + S + Past Perfect/Perfect Continuous,S + should/would/could/might + have V3
S – subject - подлежащее
Past Perfect (had + V3) - время глагола
Past Perfect Continuous (had been V-ing) - время глагола
V3 правильных глаголов = V-ed
V3 неправ.глаголов = 3-ий столбик списка неправильных
V-ing – глагол с окончанием -ing
13. Выпиши предложения 0 типа
1. If Robert studies harder, he will pass his exams.2. Water turns into ice if the temperature falls below
0º C.
3. If you don’t understand, look at the example.
4. If I had time, I would do sports.
5. If I were you, I would study for the exams.
6. If you have toothache, go to the dentist.
14. Выпиши предложения I типа
If my friend came to see me, I should be very glad.
If mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea
If you had been busy, I should have left you alone.
If I get a ticket, I shall go to the Philharmonic.
If I live near a wood, I shall gather a lot of
If I had not been too busy, I should have gone to
the concert.
15. Выпиши предложения II типа
If you don’t work systematically, you will fail the
If I got a ticket, I should go to the Philharmonic.
If I had lived in Moscow, I should have visited the
Tretyakov Gallery every year.
If she knew English, she would try to enter the
If you put on your glasses, you would see better.
If my friend comes to see me, I shall be very glad.
16. Выпиши предложения III типа
If no one came to help, we should be obliged to do the
work ourselves.
If you had not worked systematically, you would have
failed at the examination.
If my father had returned early, we should have
watched TV together.
They would all be surprised if I made such a mistake.
If you had put on your glasses, you would have seen
17. Определите тип условного предложения
He wanted to know if the performance had ended.
He would have sent the telegram if you had told
him about it yesterday.
We shall catch the train if we take a taxi.