Creation date
Creators corporation
Start or blue box
Creating apple I
Apple II
The main products of Apple


1. Apple

2. Creation date

Apple company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak in 1976 in the garage of the parents of Steve

3. Creators corporation

Steve Jobs

4. Start or blue box

In September 1971, Stephen Wozniak came across an article in the
magazine «Esquire». It told about some "phone freaks" who have
learned to crack the codes and make free calls worldwide. Wozniak
was very interested in this topic and immediately called Steve Jobs.
Having carefully considered the article, they came to the conclusion
that everything described seems to be true. And set about trying to
create a blue box

5. Creating apple I

Apple 1 first product Apple Computer (now Apple
Inc.), demonstrated in April 1976 in the "Homebrew
Computer Club" in Palo Alto, California.

6. Apple II

first computer commercially available from Apple Computer.
This is the direct heir to the computer enthusiast Apple I, was
never produced in large quantities, but it contains a lot of ideas
that ensured the success of Apple II.

7. Macintosh

Macintosh , sometimes informally Mac - line of personal
computers manufacturing corporation Apple. Running the
operating systems Mac OS, family Windows NT, A / UX,
NeXTSTEP, GNU / Linux and Rhapsody. Got its name from apples
«Malus 'McIntosh'».

8. The main products of Apple

Apple makes personal computers, iPhones, iPods,
IPads , the company also began producing watches


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