Category: industryindustry

Apple: the history of the company’s creation and success


Apple: the history of the
company’s creation and


Apple is the largest American
development and production of
smartphones, laptops, and software. Its
creators were Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak in 1976 in California. On April
1, 1976, they officially incorporated the
company under the name Apple
Computer, Inc.
The first mass-produced product
released by the company was the
Apple I, which appeared in 1976.
From 1977 to 1993, the company
continued to produce various models
from this line. It was after the
appearance of this model that
computer manufacturing became an


Black stripe
The 80s became less successful for the company. The Apple III failed. Due to the losses,
Jobs had to fire 40 employees. The situation became more complicated when Wozniak
was involved in a plane crash and went out of business.
Breakthrough - Macintosh
The next breakthrough came in 1984, when the Macintosh computer entered the
market. Subsequently, it will become the company's main product. The company’s
“golden years” should be called the 21st century. In 2001, Apple introduced the iPod
audio player. In 2007, the iPhone touchscreen smartphone was released for the first
time. The iPad tablet computer was introduced in 2010. In 2012, the company's
market capitalization was 500 billion. Apple's value is higher than its closest
competitors Google and Microsoft.


The secret of Apple's success or how
the company became the world market
In one of his interviews, Steve Jobs said
that Apple’s very DNA contains the
principle that technology alone is not
enough for successful sales. Innovation
must be combined with creativity and
art, only in this case modern gadgets
will be able to make the hearts of
customers “sing and rejoice.”


History of the Apple logo: From
Newton to the apple
The company's first logo was created in
1976 by Ronald Wayne, the third
shareholder. The emblem was a fullfledged picture of Isaac Newton, onto
whom an apple falls from a tree.
Soon Steve Jobs decides to turn to
designer Rob Yanov for help in creating
a recognizable logo.
As the designer himself stated, the
logo and its colors are directly related
to the corporation’s field of activity the production of PCs with color
monitors. Over the following years, the
Apple logo was changed several times,
but the general idea remained


Apple's latest computer
Apple's first computer


Apple's latest phone
Apple's first phone


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