Category: englishenglish

March 7th


March 7th
Discuss letter/personal statement - do more work
on it if you like
Review vocabulary for talking about work and study
Review present perfect for experience
Formal / informal


new vocabulary
the opening of an exhibition
an invitation
I always overslept this week; I kept oversleeping
I keep forgetting, I keep dropping things,
be accustomed to = be used to
get used to - become used to


icon not ∂
laisssay faire
bouquets /boukay/
ballet /ballay/
must ∂v been


what you said
what you should have said
I went to an opening and I have seen
the Italian ambassador
past simple for telling stories


perfect tenses
I have done …… before now
I had been there ….. before then
I will have done ……. before then (in the future)
might, should, could + have done
She went to London.
She’s been to London = came back. She’s gone to
London= still there.



I went to Italy 3 years ago. I had been there once
before that.
I haven’t been to Spain. I wish I had been there.
I went to Germany a few years ago. I’d been there
once before.
I went to Morocco a few years ago. I’d never been
there before.


wish / unreal
I went.
I wish I had gone; if I had gone
It’s raining. I wish it was raining
It will
go back one tense to show it’s unreal


get a bonus
a perk - any advantage
an income
get sick pay, holiday pay, maternity pay, redundancy pay
to resign (becuase you don’t want to work there)
to be fired ( because you made a mistake)
to be made redundant
temporary - not permanent


Would you prefer a job which was different everyday or where you
did exactly the same thing every day?
Do you like to be challenged at work?
What are the most well-paid professions in your country?
What skills, training or qualifications do you need for your job?
What jobs have a lot of perks?
What happens when people get laid off (be made redundant) in your
country? Get fired / Get sacked
What benefits are employers required to offer?
Which would you prefer - full time or part time work?


how did you get where you
are today?
Where d’you work?
How long’ve you bin there?
What did you do before?
H’v you got a degree? What qualifications did you need for your
Have you had to do lots of CPD training?
Do you ever wish you’d chosen a different career?
What do you think you’ll be doing in 5 years time?


sort out a problem


modals in the past
What do you say when you think you made a mistake in the past? (I should ……..
What if you forgot to do something?
What if someone else e.g. the authorities made a mistake? (they should …….
What if you think something happened in the past? Eg the details of someone
else’s life and education
What if you are trying to explain why something happened? e.g. why someone is
late (and you are waiting for them)
Did you make any mistakes with your education or choice of job?
How could governments have prevented global warming?
What do you think people ate in your country 2000 years ago?
Why do you think people chose to settle in your city?


You could try the exercises on slide 12 and
answering the questions on the other slides.
Prepare your personal statement
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