Go to
All Drug Classifications
2 output XLS
More than 1 table
More than 1 table

Go to

1. Go to


2. All Drug Classifications

• For each drug classification, grab the
datapoints :

3. 2 output XLS

• You will use both the Japanese and English
versions of each drug class (make two
separate Excel tables one for the Jap and one
for the Eng)
• The two separate views are on avail by clicking
on the top right.

4. Grab

Japanese version:
• 一般名
• 商品名 ( 日本 )
• 商品名 ( 米国 )
• 適応症
English version:
• Name
• Product (USA)
• Product (Japan)

5. More than 1 table

• Note: there may be more than 1 table on a give page.
Example http://www.kegg.jp/kegg/drug/br08371.html
• And if you scroll down :

6. More than 1 table

English     Русский Rules