Travelling by plane
Category: englishenglish

Travelling by plane

1. Travelling by plane

2. vocabulary

non-stop flight – беспосадочный полет
boarding card – посадочный талон
seat-belt – привязные ремни
waiting room- комната ожидания
board a plane- сесть на самолет
window seat – место у окна
air hostess (flight attendant) – стюардесса


Flight- полёт, рейс
To take off- взлетать
To land- приземлиться
Runway- взлётная полоса
Gate- проход на посадку
To check in- регистрироваться
Hand luggage- ручной багаж
Departure lounge- зал ожидания полёта
stay at the hotel– остановиться в


leave on time- отправляться по расписанию
get off a plane- сойти с самолета
travel light – путешествовать налегке
single ticket – билет в один конец;
return ticket – билет в оба конца;
hand luggage – ручной багаж
check one’s luggage – сдать вещи в багаж;
arrive at – прибыть в…

5. Expressions

• Can I get to …… by air? – Могу ли я купить
билет на самолет до ……?
• I’d like to book a single ticket. – Я хотел бы
запланировать билет в один конец.
• Sorry, we are all booked up for today. – К
сожалению, все билеты проданы на сегодня.
• Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant journey. –
До свидания! Приятного путешествия.


Can you help me?
- How can I get to?
- You should take…
Where can I buy a ticket….
The booking office over there..
Where will you go on holidays?
How long will you be staying there?
I`m on my way. Don`t worry!


I'm sorry to bother you…
How much is this?
Where can I buy the tickets?
Where is the booking office?
How far is it?
Can I pay by credit-card?
The plain arrives to London at…
How much do your bags weight?

8. Dialogue “At the airport”

• - Excuse me ,Are you Mr. Smith? __________
- How was the flight? ________________
- How do you like our city? ________________
- And how do you like our weather? _________
- ___________ In Britain the weather is rainy!
- What is the weather like in Russia? ____________.
- How long are you going to stay here? __________
- __________ I am going to stay in the Hotel.
- What are you going to visit? __________
- What are your plans? ________________
- When are you going to leave ? ______________
- Was it your first visit to Moscow? _____________
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