Category: educationeducation

The dissertation



✶ The text should be printed using a font size of 12-14 points
at a half interval. The dissertation pages should have the
following fields: left - 2.5 cm, right - 1 cm, top - 2 cm,
bottom - 2 cm. The indent should be the same throughout
the text and equal to five characters.


✶ All pages of the dissertation, including illustrations and
appendices, are numbered in order without omissions and
repetitions. The first page is the title page, on which page
numbering is not put, the next page puts the number "2",
etc. The page number is printed in the middle of the page


✶ The illustrations used in the dissertation are placed under
the text in which the reference to them was first given, or
on the next page, and, if necessary, in the appendix to the
dissertation. Illustrations are numbered in Arabic numerals
by continuous numbering or within a chapter (section). All
illustrations should be referenced in the text of the
dissertation. When linking, you should write the word
"Figure" with an indication of its number.


✶ The tables used in the dissertation are placed under the
text in which the reference to them is given for the first
time, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in the
appendix to the dissertation. Tables are numbered in
Arabic numerals by continuous numbering or within a
chapter (section). All tables should be referenced in the
text of the dissertation. When linking, you should write the
word "Table" indicating its number. The list of tables is
indicated in the list of illustrative material.


✶ The list of references should include bibliographic records
on the documents used by the author when working on the
topic. The list should be placed at the end of the main text,
after the glossary of terms.


The location of the text on the page. Requirements for the
fonts used.
✶ The text is located on one side of an A4 sheet. The
following borders of the frame (fields) are set: 2 cm - at the
top and bottom of the page; 1 cm - on the right side of the
page; 3 cm - on the left side of the page. The text is
formatted to fit the width of the page, i.e. it should be
aligned to the left and right edges. Paragraphs with
standard indentation (1.25 cm) from its left border are
highlighted in the text structure.


✶ Sets one and a half line spacing (distance between lines of
text) throughout the text, including line spacing between
paragraphs. The size (font size) is set as follows: - for the
main text - 14; - for footnote text, for footnote sign - 10.


✶ All text should be done in one font. It is recommended to
use the font Times New Roman. An exception is the
headings of sections (chapters), which can be executed in
a different font (in this case, however, it is necessary to
ensure uniformity in the use of fonts in the design of
headings throughout the text of the work). The main text of
the work is done in direct light font. Section headings can
be made in direct bold. If necessary, light or bold italics
can be used.


Bibliographic description of publications included in the list
of references
✶ A bibliographic description is a collection of information
about a document or its component part, given according
to certain rules in order to identify and general
characteristics of documents.


Bibliographic description of books
✶ Scheme of bibliographic description of the book: Title of
the description. Primary title: Title / liability information. Information about the publication. - Place of publication:
Publishing House, year. - Area of ​physical characteristics.
- Series area.
English     Русский Rules