How do mass media reports show the life of teenagers in the Russian Federation?
Category: sociologysociology

How do mass media reports show the life of teenagers in the Russian Federation?

1. How do mass media reports show the life of teenagers in the Russian Federation?


*Russian media on
television shows
teenagers from the
bad side
*The media claims
that most teenagers
lead a poor lifestyle,
smoke, drink and
degrade. They often
turn a blind eye to
adolescent successes.
Why? We do not know.


* Every year, teenagers from Russia become
winners at international competitions in
physics, computer science, mathematics, etc.


* The media often began to keep silent about
any discrimination of teenagers in society. The
minority, for this reason, is very suffering and
cannot reveal its identity, its talents and skills,
because no one can help them.


* The Russian media has long ceased to tell the
truth. They come up with news or distort the
truth. We recommend not to watch the media
on TV! :)
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