The Application of Type
The Application of Type
The Application of Type
The Application of Type
The Application of Type
What Motivates People?
What Motivates People?
What Motivates People?
What Motivates People?
What Motivates People?
What Motivates People?
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
The Application of Type

LDP II - Application of Typology

1. The Application of Type

Day II
The Road to Becoming a ‘Type’ Master


How can I use Type?
The Science of Type
Picture courtesy of

3. The Application of Type

• Review
– First Session
– Homework
• What motivates people?
• Leadership Styles
• Conclusions

4. The Application of Type

This session is interactive!
Please interrupt!

5. The Application of Type

• Review of first session
– Physiology of the brain
• Four quarters
• One is 100 times more efficient than the others!
– Testing for type
• Are you Red, Yellow, Green or Blue?
• Does this make sense for you?
– Key words & actions
• How to spot other Types

6. The Application of Type

Review of homework – INTERACTIVE!

Pick three people to ‘analyse’
Keep a journal of their type and your observations
Work on the following:

Note down each day the specific meetings / interactions you
have had with these people.
Build up more key-words / actions for them, and on a weekly
basis refresh your initial opinion as to their Type; see how it
Each time you interact with them try to ask questions that can
lead to your better understanding of their natural type.
One further idea (that will help you start each day with highenergy) – begin the day (at home over breakfast, on the way
to work, or for your first task) with a specific action that you
enjoy – that fits your natural preference.

7. What Motivates People?

8. What Motivates People?

• David McClelland in the 60s – 70s
– Analysis through pictures and stories of
peoples desires / needs
– Grouped into three common themes
• Short test and then review…

9. What Motivates People?

• Given the picture, write a story
• 5-minutes
• What happened before?
• What is going on right now?
• Who are they?
• What are they doing?
• What the people thinking / feeling
• What happens next?


11. What Motivates People?

• Given the picture, write a story
• 5-minutes
• What happened before?
• What is going on right now?
• Who are they?
• What are they doing?
• What the people thinking / feeling
• What happens next?
• Review…..

12. What Motivates People?

• McClelland gave three basic ‘Needs’
– Need to Achieve
– Need for Power
– Need to Affiliate
• How does this map to Type?

13. What Motivates People?

Need to Achieve
Image courtesy of
Need for Power
Need to Affiliate

14. Leadership Styles

15. Leadership Styles

• Daniel Goleman
• Built on the works of McClelland & Peters
• What are the top performers doing that others
• What are differentiates top-performers?
• Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Relationship Management

16. Leadership Styles

• 6 Styles
– Resonant vs. Dissonant
– Positive vs. Negative Energy

17. Leadership Styles

Coaching = Performance Driver
Visionary = Change Direction
Affiliative = Stress Control
Democratic = Feedback
• Commanding = Just do it!
• Pace Setting = Let’s get it done!

18. Leadership Styles

• How do these match with Type?
• …..

19. Leadership Styles

Pace Setting
Image courtesy of

20. Leadership Styles

• Scenario – Role Play
– Two Scenarios
• Decision to take regards a problem / issue
• Which Style is better suited?
• What’s the most reasonable approach?
– Define the team choice
• Check against other team!
• Winners??

21. Leadership Styles

• Conclusions

Be aware of your default Style
Carefully consider which Style to use
Usually more than one-Style works
Resonant Styles are preferable
If unsure go with Affiliative to start
Dissonant can be good
• In case of emergency!
• Junior Team
– Green needs maximum awareness here?!

22. The Application of Type

• Conclusions / Review
• Motivation vs. Type
• Leadership Styles vs. Type
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