
Giving advice bingo game


2. What’s the best advice?

• Match the best advice to the problem.
• My problem: I have a headache.
1. You’d better go to the hospital!
2. Why don’t you take some Tylenol?
3. You should buy a new bed.

3. What’s the best advice?

• Match the best advice to the problem.
• My problem: Taking a taxi is expensive.
1. You’d better not go anywhere.
2. You should buy a car.
3. If I were you, I would take the
bus or subway instead.

4. Let’s play: Advice Bingo!

5. Let’s play Advice Bingo!

If I were you, I’d go
home and relax.
Don’t worry so
You'd better study a If I were you, I would Why don’t you go to
lot during high
practice a lot to get
the dealership and
on the team.
buy a new one?
Why don’t you take
a Tylenol and drink
some water?
You should travel
on the subway, it’s
much cheaper.
You should ask the
teacher if you can
bring it tomorrow.
You should ask
your parents for a
new one for your
You should study
hard tonight.
You should talk to
them on the internet
more often.
You’d better study
harder for the next
If I were you, I would
ask the teacher for
Why don’t you make
a copy of the key?
Why don’t you call
the locksmith?
You should borrow
some money from
your friends.
Why don’t you eat
breakfast before
going to school?
If I were you, I'd get
more sleep at night.
Why don’t you get a
part time job?
You’d better take a
nap after school
Why don’t you go
on foot? It’s much
slower and calmer.
If I were you, I would
ask her to be
Why don't you buy
him a gift after
school today?
You should go to
the doctor and ask
for some medicine.
You’d better go to
the hospital, quick!
You each
have one
game board.
It looks like

6. Let’s play Advice Bingo!

If I were you, I’d go
home and relax.
Don’t worry so
You'd better study a If I were you, I would Why don’t you go to
lot during high
practice a lot to get
the dealership and
on the team.
buy a new one?
Why don’t you take
a Tylenol and drink
some water?
You should travel
on the subway, it’s
much cheaper.
You should ask the
teacher if you can
bring it tomorrow.
You should ask
your parents for a
new one for your
You should talk to
them on the internet
more often.
You’d better study
harder for the next
If I were you, I would
ask the teacher for
Why don’t you make
a copy of the key?
Why don’t you call
the locksmith?
You should borrow
some money from
your friends.
Why don’t you eat
breakfast before
going to school?
If I were you, I'd get
more sleep at night.
Why don’t you get a
part time job?
You’d better take a
nap after school
Why don’t you go
on foot? It’s much
slower and calmer.
If I were you, I would
ask her to be
Why don't you buy
him a gift after
school today?
You should go to
the doctor and ask
for some medicine.
You’d better go to
the hospital, quick!
You should study
hard tonight.
I will read a
problem, and you
will find the best
Use your
paper to
mark the answers!

7. I have a problem… I have an important test tomorrow. What’s your advice?

1. You should study hard tonight.
2. Why don’t you go to the movies?
3. You’d better not study at all.

8. I have a problem… I want to go to a good university. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you forget about homework?
2. You should forget about your dreams.
3. You should study a lot during high school.

9. I have a problem… I forgot to buy a present for my brother’s birthday! What’s your advice?

1. You should forget about it.
2. Why don’t you buy him a gift after
school today?
3. If I were you, I would ask him for a
present instead.

10. I have a problem… I’m really tired today. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better take a nap after school today.
2. You should buy a new bed.
3. Why don’t you skip school?

11. I have a problem… I’m always so tired at school. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you travel on foot?
2. If I were you, I would get more
sleep at night.
3. You should stay up later.

12. I have a problem… I never have any money. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you rob a bank?
2. You should buy a new bike.
3. Why don’t you get a part time job?

13. I have a problem… I really need more money to buy a gift for my parents. What’s your advice?

1. You should borrow money from
your friends.
2. You’d better forget about it.
3. Why don’t you go traveling instead?

14. I have a problem… I don’t like taking the bus, the drivers are so crazy. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better only take taxis instead.
2. If I were you, I wouldn’t travel anymore.
3. Why don’t you go on foot? It’s
much slower and calmer.

15. I have a problem… Taking a taxi is too expensive. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you rob a bank?
2. You should travel on the subway, it’s
much cheaper.
3. You’d better go to a restaurant.

16. I have a problem… I have a bad headache. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you take some Tylenol
and drink some water?
2. You should go to the hospital!
3. You’d better not go to the doctor.

17. I have a problem… I hurt my leg, I think it might be broken! What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you take some Tylenol
and drink some water?
2. You’d better go to the hospital, quick!
3. You shouldn’t go to the doctor.

18. I have a problem… I’m getting sick, I think I caught a cold. What’s your advice?

1. You should go to the doctor and ask
for some medicine.
2. Why don’t you work harder?
3. You’d better not feel better.

19. I have a problem… My iPod is broken, and I don’t have any money. What’s your advice?

1. You should steal a new one.
2. If I were you, I wouldn’t listen to
music anymore.
3. You should ask your parents for a
new one for your birthday.

20. I have a problem… My car is broken, and I need to drive to work. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better buy a new iPod.
2. Why don’t you go to the dealership
and buy a new one?
3. You should stop driving.

21. I have a problem… I am so stressed. My life is so busy. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better work harder.
2. Why don’t you study more?
3. If I were you, I’d go home and relax.
Don’t worry so much.

22. I have a problem… I am homesick. I want to talk to my family, but I can’t. What’s your advice?

1. You should talk to them on the
internet more often.
2. Why don’t you forget about them?
3. You shouldn’t move home.

23. I have a problem… I am locked out of my house. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better forget about your house.
2. Why don’t you call the locksmith?
3. If I were you, I would cry.

24. I have a problem… My sister is so loud. I can’t study! What’s your advice?

1. You’d better stop studying.
2. If I were you, I’d ask her to be quieter.
3. You shouldn’t talk to your parents
about it.

25. I have a problem… I’m so hungry in the morning. I can’t focus at school. What’s your advice?

1. Why don’t you eat breakfast before
going to school?
2. You should stop trying to focus.
3. You shouldn’t worry about breakfast.

26. I have a problem… I forgot to do my homework. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better run away, fast!
2. If I were you, I wouldn’t go to school.
3. You should ask the teacher if you
can bring it in tomorrow.

27. I have a problem… I failed my exam. What’s your advice?

1. You’d better study harder for the
next one.
2. If I were you, I would be happy.
3. You should forget about it.

28. I have a problem… I’m home early, and I got locked out again! What’s your advice?

1. You should break the door.
2. Why don’t you make a copy of the
3. You’d better not do your homework.

29. I have a problem… I want to be on the team, but I don’t think I’m good enough. What’s your advice?

1. You shouldn’t try so hard.
2. If I were you, I’d practice a lot to get
on the team.
3. You better exercise less.


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