Functions and Service tasks
Functions and Service tasks
Functions and Service tasks
Functions and Service tasks
The Director of the Federal bailiff service of the Russian Federation
Functions of structural divisions of the Federal bailiff service of Russia
Управление организации работы по реализации имущества должников
The structure of the FSSP
Структура ФССП России
Category: lawlaw

The federal service of bailiffs


The Federal service of
Выполнил : student ФЗО УП и
УПП M. V. Zakharov


bailiff service (FSSP Russia) is
a Federal Executive authority
performing functions on provision of
the established order of activity of
courts, enforcement of judicial acts,
acts of other bodies and officials, as
well as enforcement functions and
on control and supervision in
The Federal service of bailiffs.
the established sphere of activities.

3. Functions and Service tasks

The Federal bailiff service is a Federal Executive
authority and performs functions to ensure the
established order of activity of courts, enforcement of
judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, as well
as enforcement functions and functions on control
and supervision in the established sphere of activities.

4. Functions and Service tasks

The main objectives of the FSSP of Russia are:
1) ensuring the established procedure of activities of the
constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme
Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration
Court of the Russian Federation, courts of General
jurisdiction and arbitration courts;
2) the organization of compulsory execution of judicial acts
of courts of General jurisdiction and arbitration courts and
acts of other bodies, stipulated by the legislation of the
Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings;
3) the implementation of the legislation on criminal
proceedings in cases within the criminal procedural
legislation of the Russian Federation to the investigative
jurisdiction of the Federal court bailiffs service;
4) management of territorial bodies FSSP of Russia.

5. Functions and Service tasks

Federal bailiff service of Russia in its activity is
guided by Constitution of Russian Federation, Federal
constitutional laws, Federal laws, acts of the President
of the Russian Federation and the Government of the
Russian Federation, international treaties of the
Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of justice.

6. Functions and Service tasks

bailiff service of Russia in the extent of competence:
- provides the established order of court activities;
- provides Executive production on compulsory enforcement
of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials;
- apply measures of compulsory execution on the basis of the
Executive document;
- evaluates and records of the arrested and withdrawn
- organizes storage and enforcement of the arrested and
withdrawn property;
- carries out search of the debtor organization and property
of the debtor (citizen or organisation);
- participates in protection of interests of the Russian
Federation as creditor in Affairs about bankruptcy and in
procedures of bankruptcy;
- performs other actions necessary for timely, complete and
correct execution of Executive documents.

7. The Director of the Federal bailiff service of the Russian Federation

Artur Parfenchikov
Class rank
State Councilor of justice of the
Russian Federation of 1 class
Since 2006 head of management of
Federal bailiff service in St.
Petersburg – chief bailiff of Saint –
Since 2007 Deputy Director of the
Federal bailiffs ' service – Deputy
chief bailiff of the Russian
29 December 2008 by the decree of
the President of the Russian
Federation appointed Director of the
Federal bailiff service – chief bailiff of
the Russian Federation.

8. Functions of structural divisions of the Federal bailiff service of Russia

Department of organization of
enforcement proceedings
Main tasks of the Department of organization of enforcement
proceedings is implementation of the state policy in the
established sphere of activities through the organization of
work of territorial bodies FSSP of Russia for timely and
actual execution of judicial acts and acts of other
competent authorities, the implementation of the
established forecast and key performance indicators for the
Executive production, provision of legitimate rights of
citizens and legal entities, as well as improvement of the
current legislation in the sphere of activities of the Federal
bailiff service of Russia and departmental regulatory

9. Управление организации работы по реализации имущества должников

10. The structure of the FSSP

Department of organization of enforcement proceedings
Manage the organization of work on realization of property of debtors
The management of the organization to ensure the Executive actions
and the established order of activity of courts
The management of the organisation of inquiry and administrative
Organizational-control management of
Management office
Law office
The Department of public service and personnel
Management of anti-corruption, security-staffing and security issues
The office of information technology
The Department for protection of state secrets, mobilization training
and civil defense
The Department for cooperation with the media
Territorial bodies of the Federal bailiff service of Russia in the
constituent entities of the Russian Federation

11. Структура ФССП России

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