Открытия не умирают, они остаются на века…
Христофор Колумб Christopher Columbus
The first around the world voyage
Category: geographygeography

Great discoveries

1. Открытия не умирают, они остаются на века…

Discoveries don’t die,
They stay with us forever…

2. Христофор Колумб Christopher Columbus

Фернан Магеллан
Ferdinand Magellan


4. The first around the world voyage


1. Was discovered by Columbus.
2. 4
3. The carvels were called “Ninea”,
“Pinta”, “Santa-Maria”
4. There were discovered: the
Bahamas (St. Salvador), the
Antilles Greater, Cuba, Haiti,
Jamaica, Puerto-Rico
5. Indians
6. West India
7. The main result of Columbus’
voyage was the discovery of the
Sargassov Sea,the Antilles
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