


East Kazakhstan Technologi College
Prepared a:Muratov.E.A,
Semey 2017


3. Хэ́ллоуин (англ. Halloween, All Hallows' Eve или All Saints' Eve)

Хэ́ллоуин (англ. Halloween, All
Hallows' Eve или All Saints' Eve)
A modern holiday, which
goes back to the
traditions of the ancient
Celts of Ireland and
Scotland, whose history
began in the territory of
modern Britain and
Northern Ireland. It is
celebrated on October 31,
on the eve of All Saints


It is celebrated on October 31, on
the eve of All Saints Day.


Halloween is traditionally
celebrated in Englishspeaking countries, although
it is not an official day off.
Halloween is informally
celebrated in some other
countries that have close
cultural ties with the United
States or Great Britain, for
example, in Japan, South
Korea, Singapore, Australia
and New Zealand, in a
number of island countries in
Oceania, and more recently in
Russia and the CIS.

6. Symbols of the holiday

Most of the holiday
symbols have a long
history. For example,
the tradition of making
pumpkin lamps went
from the Celtic custom
to create lanterns that
help souls find their
way into purgatory.

7. Jack-o'-lantern — Джек-Фонарь

Jack-o'-lantern — Джек-Фонарь
The main symbol of the
holiday is the so-called
Jack Lamp (English
Jack-o'-lantern - JackLantern). He represents
a pumpkin on which an
ominously grinning face
is carved; Inside the
pumpkin is placed a
lighted candle, but
originally for their
manufacture used a
trouser or turnip.

8. Costumes

The main theme of
costumes for Halloween
is different evil spirits
or fairy-tale characters.
But in the 19-20th
century not only the
costumes of fantastic
creatures became
popular, but even
costumes on completely
arbitrary themes,
although the main
motive continues to be
the most common.
Летучая мышь
Костюм ведьмы

9. Vampire Costumes, Witches, Zombies

10. Traditions

The tradition of dressing up in
costumes and walking from
house to house, begging for
sweets, appeared in the Middle
Ages and was originally
associated with Christmas. In
England and Ireland, the poor
from olden times went to their
homes and begged for so-called
"spiritual cakes" on All Saints'
Day (November 1), promising
in exchange for praying for the
souls of the deceased relatives
of the owners.

11. Trick-or-treating

The term Trick-or-treating
was first used in the USA,
for the first time its use
was fixed in 1934. Literally
it can be translated as a
Prodigy or a treat, and
indicates a comic threat to
do harm if the host does
not bring food to the

12. Divination

In addition to getting rid of sweets and
wearing a variety of costumes,
Halloween also has a number of
specific games and fortune-telling.
According to the legend, young girls
should walk up the stairs in the dark
house with their backs and hold a
candle in front of the mirror. After
that, they should try to see the face of
the narrowed in the reflection. But
there is also the possibility that the girl
will see the face of the skull and this
will mean that she will die before the

13. Attractions

An important tradition
of celebrating
Halloween is the
organization of the socalled Haunted
attractions (Russian
Attractions populated by
ghosts) whose main
goal is to frighten the
visitors. The oldest such
attraction is the "Ghost
Town of Orton and

14. Attractions

The main goal of
the rides is to
pleasantly scare the
visitors. The oldest
such attraction is
"Ghostly inhabited
house of Orton and

15. Treats

Since the holiday falls at the
time of the harvest of
apples, most Halloween
sweets are based on apples.
Especially for the
celebration, they prepare
apple caramel, apples in
syrup (sometimes with the
addition of nuts), apple
toffee. Brew compote of

16. Traditional holiday colors -

black color and
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