X Factor
KazNITU X Factor
Winner of X factor 5 season Dmitry Babak
Dmitry Babak 22 years old. He was born in the Petrovsk (Lugansk region, in Ukraine)
At the moment Dmitry gets higher education, he’s a student Lugansk national university named after T.Shevchenko
Conclusion He is one best singers of X factor and its future is yet to come
The end
Category: englishenglish

X Factor. Winner of X factor 5 season Dmitry Babak

1. X Factor

2. KazNITU X Factor

Complied: B.Kural
Check: K. Altynbaeva


1. The winner of the X Factor
2. Biography
3. Achievements

4. Winner of X factor 5 season Dmitry Babak

5. Dmitry Babak 22 years old. He was born in the Petrovsk (Lugansk region, in Ukraine)

6. At the moment Dmitry gets higher education, he’s a student Lugansk national university named after T.Shevchenko


1. He first appeared on stage in 16 years
2. In 2015, he joined the project and impressed everyone in the blind auditions
3. He won in this project and has earned 100000 rubles
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