
Adventure tourism


2. Tourism is fine that everyone finds in it that wants. Someone likes mountains, someone likes the rivers, someone likes to have

a rest on a beach, and others
want to test themselves for durability.
The tense nerves too, strangely enough, can help the person to take off
fatigue. It is served by gaining strength around the world, and especially in
Russia, adventure tourism. More and more people seek to see beauty of the
underwater world, to go down on a hillside on skis and even to jump from a
In Europe this type of tourism started developing fast rates already in the late
eighties. And at us, in Russia, from the middle of the 90th.


- Why people don't fly?
- What?
- I say, why people don't fly as
birds? You know, sometimes it seems
to me that I am a bird. When you stand
on the mountain, so and pulls you to
fly. Here so would run up, I raised
hands and I departed. To try something
now? (Alexander Nikolaevich
Ostrovsky "Thunder-storm")
Active types of rest win the
increasing popularity among simple
Now parachute jumps and its
versions are around the world very
popular: skayserfing, group acrobatics
or BASE. jumping.

4. But we would like to tell about hand gliding today. At first sight a hang-glider, apparently, very simple design, and many can

tell that there was this aircraft after
the first flights in space and that it isn't interesting to anybody any more. But
those who is engaged in hand gliding, so don't consider. Who are they? Ordinary
boys and girls – hang glider riders, "deltanuty", knocked about the sky, got stuck
in air for a long time. To fly for them is everything, every instant flight – year of
life on the earth. It is possible to tell that flight is the whole life, no, it is life. You
soar in the sky, forgetting about everything, realizing that already as if and not
the person at all, and even not a bird. You to whom the nature it isn't allowed to
fly, after all fly, and you have no words and them and it isn't necessary. Your eyes
will tell all for you. However, it is healthy?! Yes? It is the coolest party of hand
But that such the Hang-glider - the Arrow-shaped wing with a suspension bracket
for the pilot which only 5-7 kg weigh. The hang-glider is simple in management,
and at a certain skill the hang glider rider is capable to land easily in the set point.

5. Roupdzhamping and Sleklayn are very interesting. Very shortly about them. The Roupdzhamping - jumps with a rope from high

object by means of system of depreciation
from climbing ropes and equipment. During a jump skilled
jumpers often carry out spectacular acrobatic tricks.
Sleklayn is a circulation on a rope or a sling which is fixed
between motionless objects. In a different way Sleklayn it is
possible to call a stropokhozhdeniye.
Ok let's come back to Earth.
Well. So, among water objects of adventure tourism diving
became especially popular.
Yes, yes, yes, hang glider riders should move - number of
divers in Russia and around the world, promptly grows.
Divers are sure that the best rest, than immersion on 40meter depth with heavy cylinders behind the back, it is
impossible to think up. In Russia the interest in diving
became mass after reorganization.
Then the Russian submariners started studying according to
the international standards. In 1994-1996 there were first
dayv-clubs, and the number of divers started growing in a
geometrical progression: in 1997 certification there passed
about 2 thousand citizens of Russia, and in 2001 the number
received the certificate of the diver exceeded 15 thousand.
And all Russian divers for immersion generally go to other
countries - at many the first immersions took place on the
Red Sea, on Canary Islands or in other resort places.

6. Diving – is very popular around the world. And costs not much this pleasure not. The general preparation and equipment will

cost to the beginner in the sum to $1000. If not to buy
equipment, the cost of preparation for the first round decreases
to $250. However, then it is necessary to pay for $30-40 for rent
of a suit, an aqualung and things, other, necessary at depth.
Problem in that isn't enough travel agencies in Russia offering
this type of rest directly in our country.


The Black Sea, of course, won't be compared on beauty of the underwater
world to the Red Sea, but after all and at us is on what to look. Diving on the
Avacha lip will be interesting that on Kamchatka is a place it is considered
one of the most beautiful bays of the world. The blue lake near the city of
Kazan will be remembered by fantastic purity of water and beautiful
underwater landscapes. Speaking about transparency and purity of water
and about the most beautiful underwater world, it is necessary to mention
legendary Lake Baikal. Visibility under water in summertime reaches forty
meters here, and to a look of divers the underwater landscape opens
surprising beauty.
Of course, the list of places where these can dive perfectly isn't limited, after
all still there is both the White Sea, and the Sea of Japan, both reservoirs of
Moscow area and a set of other interesting places.


Water ski - one of the most known types of active recreation. It is worthy replacement
to a mountain and cross-country winter skiing. And occupations by a water ski will
require four things: actually water ski, life jacket, gloves and diving suit.
Water ski actively practices now on the Black Sea coast. But there roll pretty short
period for which it is necessary to pay not small money.
Therefore in Russia really it is difficult for ordinary tourist and if that is more exact
very expensively to take pleasure in water-skiing.
Also it is possible to carry to water activities of this type of tourism:
Surfing it too most only without sail.
Slalom kayaking
Freestyle on a kayak
- And if I am afraid of water?
And Those who is afraid of water, will approach pedestrian rounds. It too
adventure tourism which is interfaced to considerable difficulties and
dangers. Pedestrian routes are usually laid across virgin territories of
the planet so the person has an opportunity literally to fit into the


The Mauntinbayking – becomes more and more popular, despite
the high cost. But though it and expensive type of rest, and every
weekend pass tens international competitions in the mountain
bicycle in the world – beginning from the World Cup stages and
finishing with festivals in the Scottish town or on the Polynesian
atoll. Among all this competitive variety there are starts which
are arranged and for not professionals from all over the world.
Such events become for them both the real test, and a holiday,
and opening of a new place and new friends.
The most extreme rest it is possible to call safely mountaineering
where both physical, and psychological endurance of the person
is checked.
Today the mountaineering represents the whole industry which
evenly develops. As a rule, for ascensions it is accepted to choose
summer when weather allows to reach with the minimum losses
the planned top.


However fans of the thrills don't stop also in the winter. And difficult weather
conditions and avalanches only add jokes to travel. To the mountains go to
test themselves, to risk, overcome everything and to reach top. For this
purpose it is necessary to be well physically prepared, it is desirable to have
strong forearms, good 'extension' and small weight which should be held on
only one fingers. At rise it is necessary to work not only muscles, but also the
head correctly to choose, what hooks to grasp.
Here it is possible to carry:
Mountain skiing
Dzhayloo-turizm – on this type of tourism it is possible to stop and consider
it in more detail. It is one of types of exotic extreme rest - life in a primitive
tribe in literal sense with all delights of nomadic life. This fascinating type of
tourism successfully develops on mountain pastures of Kyrgyzstan.
The dream directly on a floor of a yurta of the shepherd, near the smoky
center, fresh mutton and koumiss, and also riding walks in mountains and
on pastures is offered.

11. In general adventure tourism one of the most perspective types of tourism which attracts to itself more and more people. Many

now can say yes that we told about an extreme
type of tourism, but adventure and extreme tourism
are closely connected with each other, so our idea of
adventure tourism such.
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