
Sports tourism


Sports tourism
Dolinsky Alexander, 1st-year student


1 . The concept of sports tourism
Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs
of people and improving the quality of their life.
Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that imply overcoming obstacles in the natural
environment (heights, peaks (hiking), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid
in the natural artificial environment.


2. History of sports tourism
The concept of tourism appeared in the rule of Peter the Great.
While in Germany, the emperor climbed Mount Brocken and, standing on its top, experienced
such an amazing feeling that he began to encourage tourism in every possible way upon
returning to his homeland. However, the nobility showed little interest in the new type of
physical activity - they were more attracted to resorts and entertainment.
Interest in the discipline arose years later among scientists. They organized trips and
expeditions to study nature, plants and animals.
Sports tourism can be considered to be finally
recognized in the period of the USSR. Active
youth used to get involved into hiking, going to
the mountains.
The state provided comprehensive support for
sports and active lifestyle.
Competitions were held, the rules for conducting
hiking trips were approved.
In 1949, sports tourism was included in the
Unified All-Union Sports Classification.
Figure 1 - Mount Brocken, Germany


3. Types of sports tourism and their
This sport is divided into a huge number of different disciplines, some of them are
listed below:
1 ) Hiking . This direction is based on the
movement of groups on foot through areas with
different topography and landscape. Routes of
high complexity imply not only difficult paths,
but also adverse weather conditions.
Figure 2 - Hiking
2 ) Ski tourism . It is similar to walking, but the
group moves on skis in snow and ice, and for routes
of great difficulty - in mountains and harsh climates.
Groups of tourists provide their trips with tourist
skis, ski poles with wide rings, thermal underwear
for outdoor activities. Woolen socks and thermal
overalls protect the tourists from hypothermia.
For overnight stays, individual and group sleeping
bags with insulation are used. With such sets of
equipment, the daytime performance of the group is
maintained up to minus 40 degrees in calm weather.


3. Types of sports tourism and their
features ( continued )
3) Water tourism - a descent along rivers in special
floating equipment. The routes are usually laid along
mountain streams, where the main obstacles are rapids
and fast waters.
(impassable roads and paths, fords, mountain
passes, etc.), also in adverse climate conditions .
4) Speleotourism - trips to underground caves, where
the group overcomes obstacles based on the very
structure and topography of the cave .
7) Underwater tourism - diving and moving at
depth in order to study flora and fauna, collect
samples, plants and minerals, including pearls.
5) Sailing tourism - sailing into the sea or into fullflowing rivers. For such trips, certain programs are
completed in accordance with the rules, and the group
must complete them.
6) Sports tourism on transport vehicles . This includes
cycling, automobile, horse riding and motorcycle
tourism. These disciplines have the fact in common that
athletes need to overcome the distance in complicated
conditions with challenging terrain and various landscape
Figure 3 - Underwater tourism


4. Popular routes
Jeeping in Adygea:
Jeeping is a cross-country journey in all-terrain vehicles, with overcoming natural obstacles. It is an
opportunity to see the beauty of the mountainous region, which is accessible only to hikers and those
who travel in off-roaders.
Clothing for jeeping, as for any outdoor activity, is always chosen according to the season and weather
conditions - sport footwear, windproof jacket, headwear, sunglasses.
Route sightseeing:
Wildlife of Adygea, one of the highest
waterfalls in Europe - the legendary Fisht,
and the most beautiful caves in southern
Adrenaline, motor roar and mountain winds
of freedom!


4. Popular routes (continued)
Exploring Karelia, rafting down the Shuya River:
The Shuya River is one of the longest and largest rivers in the Republic of Karelia. The river has a
frequently changing mood, which particularly attracts tourists. The river itself is favorable for
beginners and children, the rapids here are arranged from easy to difficult. The largest and most
popular rapids on the river Shuya are the Big Tolly rapids. There are 2-3 categories of complexity,
depending on the water level in the river. It's the place where beginners get their first experience.
Route sightseeing:
Breakfast in Petrozavodsk, rafting down the
river through rapids (Sizovskiy, Sobachiy,
Kenyakoski, Valojne, Sarikoski and
Kumio), Shotozero Lake.
Camping equipment:
Tent, insulating mat, personal utensils


5 . Advantages and disadvantages of sports
The positive aspects of sports tourisms include:
- New emotions and impressions.
- Acquaintance with nature, flora and fauna of a
particular area.
- Strengthening health, physical development.
- Ability to visit remote places that can only be
reached on foot.
- Small equipment costs (for some types of tourism ).
With all its undoubted advantages, sports tourism is
not without its drawbacks.
The main ones are the following:
- Great requirements for physical fitness. Anyone
who has never played sports before is unlikely to
be able to withstand a hike even on an easy route.
And in case of some serious diseases, this is even
impossible. Therefore, sports tourism can be
started only after certain preparation and medical
examination. In this case, you should adequately
assess your strengths and capabilities.
- Overcoming obstacles is always associated with
the risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to
listen to the recommendations of the hike
organizers in terms of protective equipment and
not neglect the safety rules.
- This sport, as a rule, is associated with being in
uncomfortable conditions for a person. Therefore,
it is not suitable for those who are too dependent
on the benefits of civilization.
- Some types of tourism require expensive
equipment and are not available to everyone.


Sports tourism , like any kind of physical activity, has both positive
and negative features. It is not suitable for everyone and makes high
demands on the level of physical fitness.
However, those who dare do it, get the opportunity to visit the most
unexplored corners of the planet, strengthen their body and cultivate
fortitude .






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