Homo Habilis

Homo habilis

1. Homo Habilis

Prepared by Artem Dubko
Student of grade 6-a school 423
Saint -Petersburg

2. When and where they lived

• The Homo Habilis were prehistiric people.
• They lived in Africa, Asia and in the
Mediterranean between 2,6 to 2,5 million
years ago


4. Home life

• They lived together in small groups. They
did not live in huts or caves. They lived in
rectangular pale areas.


6. Tools and Weapons

• The Homo Habilis did not have not a lot of
tools and weapons. They used stone,
bones and teeth of animals which they
• Also they used stones and clubs for
defence and attack.


8. Culture

• The Homo Habilis painted on the stones.
They made clothes from animal skins and
in hot weather they wore skirts from wild

9. Food

• The Homo Habilis ate meat, wild plants,
root vegetables and fish.
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