Countries Quiz
Spain, Mexico, Italy ?
Ireland England the USA ?
France, Belgium,Portugal ?
Canada, the USA, Argentina ?
New Zealand, Japan, Australia ?
Spain, Italy, Mexico ?
Japan, China, Thailand ?
Mexico, Brazil, Peru ?
Switzerland, Germany, Austria ?
Denmark, Belgium, Sweden ?
The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway ?
Category: pedagogypedagogy

Countries Quiz. Look at the pictures and find out which country is presented

1. Countries Quiz

Look at the pictures and find out
which country is presented

2. Spain, Mexico, Italy ?

3. Ireland England the USA ?

4. France, Belgium,Portugal ?

5. Canada, the USA, Argentina ?

6. New Zealand, Japan, Australia ?

7. Spain, Italy, Mexico ?

8. Japan, China, Thailand ?

9. Mexico, Brazil, Peru ?

10. Switzerland, Germany, Austria ?

11. Denmark, Belgium, Sweden ?

12. The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway ?

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