Learner autonomy: sweet dreams or realistic teaching and learning targets?
Learner autonomy
Coral reefs (Breen) the classroom culture diversity similar to the interrelated myriad life forms found in a coral reef
Difficult to apply learner autonomy principles because
Suggestion 1.Implementing flipped classroom though using more digital resources
Suggestion 2. New ELT philosophy
Useful links
Category: educationeducation

Learner autonomy: sweet dreams or realistic teaching and learning targets?

1. Learner autonomy: sweet dreams or realistic teaching and learning targets?

Olga Chekchurina INJAZ group
Teacher ,ELT trainer

2. Learner autonomy

students take control and responsibility for
their own learning, both in terms of what
they learn and how they learn it, acquiring
and developing cognitive strategies for
independent learning and using knowledge
and sklls

3. Coral reefs (Breen) the classroom culture diversity similar to the interrelated myriad life forms found in a coral reef

Teaching spectacles Ss passively watching Ts
performance or treated like puppets in a puppet show
Learning festivals Ss actively participating as they
would participate in a festival

4. Difficult to apply learner autonomy principles because

Ts and Ss are used to lessons as essentially teaching
spectacle rather than active participating of
autonomous learners and developing having a
range of learning strategies which they are able to
apply flexibly in different contexts
(Janet Hardy-Gould, a teacher, teacher trainer and
materials writer, discusses how to encourage
learner autonomy in the higher education

5. Suggestion 1.Implementing flipped classroom though using more digital resources


6. Suggestion 2. New ELT philosophy

• See ELT titles www.bookshop247.com
английский \ методика обучения
иностранным языкам


8. Useful links

• https://oupeltglobalblog.com/2013/01/29/lear
ner-autonomy oup expert on learner
• https://elt.oup.com/learning_resources/?cc=ru
ресурсы для flipped
classroom и самостоятельной работы
• http://www.bookshop247.com/shop/UID_1669.
html книги по методике (доступные по
читательской программе «Экслибрис»)
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